Share dataset between users

Hello, I’ve register some datasets under my proof user, for exaple:


now I can use it, but I need that all the users under the test1 group could access to this dataset. It doesn’t works, I’m the only one who can use this dataset

I’ve retried, here exactly what I’ve done:

root [0] TFileCollection fc("MC11b_POWHEG_120_p868_ggH")
root [1] fc.AddFromFile("list.txt")
root [4] fc.SetDefaultTreeName("photon")
root [5] TProof::Open("localhost")
root [8] gProof->RegisterDataSet("/default/turra/MC11b_POWHEG_120_p868_ggH", &fc)
root [11] gProof->VerifyDataSet("/default/turra/MC11b_POWHEG_120_p868_ggH")
root [12] gProof->ShowDataSets()
Dataset repository: /proof/workingdirs/turra/datasets
Dataset URI                               | # Files | Default tree | # Events |   Disk   | Staged
/default/turra/MC11b_POWHEG_120_p868_ggH  |      30 | photon                  |     9 GB |  100 %

now another user logged in the same machine try to get the dataset:

Error in <TProof::GetDataSet>: error receiving datasets information
Warning in <TProof::ShowDataSet>: no such dataset: /default/turra/MC11b_POWHEG_120_p868_ggH

what is wrong? I can see the information about this dataset in /proof/workingdirs/turra/datasets/default/turra, where /proof/workingdirs/turra is my sandbox

we’re using 5.30/04


Sorry for the late reply.

To share datasets the directory containing the information must be posted via the directive ‘xpd.datasetsrc’ by the master xproofd.
In this way all users get the internal TDataSetManager instance initialized with that directory; otherwise the default is used, which /dataset, therefore different for each user.

Unfortunately there is not much documentation about this except the description of the directive itself. I will add now at least a f.a.q. .

The directory must allow reading by all users and writing in the users subdirectories, and must have the group subdirs already created; e.g., with this directive

if masternode
xpd.datasetsrc file url:/shared/dir/dataset opt:Av:Ar: 

the directory /shared/dir/dataset is used for each user; each user space is /shared/dir/dataset//
where is the PROOF group (‘default’ if not specified; see … oups-users).
The directories /shared/dir/dataset/ must be created by the admin and should be writable and readable by all users; typically their are owned by an admin user. Then PROOF will create the user subdirs, owned by the user, where the dataset metafiles (a ROOT file .root containing two TFileCollection) are stored.

Let me know if this helps,
