library: libGeomPainter
#include "TGeoChecker.h"


class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class TGeoChecker : public TObject

Inheritance Chart:

TGeoChecker() TGeoChecker(TGeoManager* geom) TGeoChecker(const char* treename, const char* filename) TGeoChecker(const TGeoChecker&) virtual ~TGeoChecker() void CheckGeometry(Int_t nrays, Double_t startx, Double_t starty, Double_t startz) const void CheckOverlaps(const TGeoVolume* vol, Double_t ovlp = 0.1, Option_t* option) const void CheckPoint(Double_t x = 0, Double_t y = 0, Double_t z = 0, Option_t* option) Double_t CheckVoxels(TGeoVolume* vol, TGeoVoxelFinder* voxels, Double_t* xyz, Int_t npoints) static TClass* Class() virtual TClass* IsA() const TH2F* LegoPlot(Int_t ntheta = 60, Double_t themin = 0., Double_t themax = 180., Int_t nphi = 90, Double_t phimin = 0., Double_t phimax = 360., Double_t rmin = 0., Double_t rmax = 9999999, Option_t* option) TGeoChecker& operator=(const TGeoChecker&) void PrintOverlaps() const void RandomPoints(TGeoVolume* vol, Int_t npoints, Option_t* option) void RandomRays(Int_t nrays, Double_t startx, Double_t starty, Double_t startz) TGeoNode* SamplePoints(Int_t npoints, Double_t& dist, Double_t epsil, const char* g3path) void ShootRay(Double_t* start, Double_t dirx, Double_t diry, Double_t dirz, Double_t* array, Int_t& nelem, Int_t& dim, Double_t* enpoint = 0) const virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) void Test(Int_t npoints, Option_t* option) void TestOverlaps(const char* path) Bool_t TestVoxels(TGeoVolume* vol, Int_t npoints = 1000000) Double_t Weight(Double_t precision = 0.01, Option_t* option = "v")

Data Members

TGeoManager* fGeoManager pointer to geometry manager TGeoVolume* fVsafe volume to which a safety sphere node was added

Class Description

 Default constructor

TGeoChecker(TGeoManager *geom)
 Constructor for a given geometry

TGeoChecker(const char * /*treename*/, const char * /*filename*/)


void CheckGeometry(Int_t nrays, Double_t startx, Double_t starty, Double_t startz) const
 Shoot nrays with random directions from starting point (startx, starty, startz)
 in the reference frame of this volume. Track each ray until exiting geometry, then
 shoot backwards from exiting point and compare boundary crossing points.

void CheckOverlaps(const TGeoVolume *vol, Double_t ovlp, Option_t * /*option*/) const
 Check illegal overlaps for volume VOL within a limit OVLP.

void PrintOverlaps() const
 Print the current list of overlaps held by the manager class.

void CheckPoint(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Option_t *)
--- Draw point (x,y,z) over the picture of the daughers of the volume containing this point.
   Generates a report regarding the path to the node containing this point and the distance to
   the closest boundary.

TH2F* LegoPlot(Int_t ntheta, Double_t themin, Double_t themax, Int_t nphi, Double_t phimin, Double_t phimax, Double_t /*rmin*/, Double_t /*rmax*/, Option_t *option)
 Generate a lego plot fot the top volume, according to option.

void RandomPoints(TGeoVolume *vol, Int_t npoints, Option_t *option)
 Draw random points in the bounding box of a volume.

void RandomRays(Int_t nrays, Double_t startx, Double_t starty, Double_t startz)
 Randomly shoot nrays from point (startx,starty,startz) and plot intersections
 with surfaces for current top node.

TGeoNode* SamplePoints(Int_t npoints, Double_t &dist, Double_t epsil, const char* g3path)
 shoot npoints randomly in a box of 1E-5 arround current point.
 return minimum distance to points outside
 make sure that path to current node is updated
 get the response of tgeo

void ShootRay(Double_t *start, Double_t dirx, Double_t diry, Double_t dirz, Double_t *array, Int_t &nelem, Int_t &dim, Double_t *endpoint) const
 Shoot one ray from start point with direction (dirx,diry,dirz). Fills input array
 with points just after boundary crossings.
   Int_t array_dimension = 3*dim;

void Test(Int_t npoints, Option_t *option)
 Check time of finding "Where am I" for n points.

void TestOverlaps(const char* path)
--- Geometry overlap checker based on sampling.

Double_t Weight(Double_t precision, Option_t *option)
 Estimate weight of top level volume with a precision SIGMA(W)/W
 better than PRECISION. Option can be "v" - verbose (default).

Double_t CheckVoxels(TGeoVolume *vol, TGeoVoxelFinder *voxels, Double_t *xyz, Int_t npoints)
 count voxel timing

Bool_t TestVoxels(TGeoVolume *vol, Int_t npoints)
 Returns optimal voxelization type for volume vol.
   kFALSE - cartesian
   kTRUE  - cylindrical

Inline Functions

             TClass* Class()
             TClass* IsA() const
                void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
                void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
         TGeoChecker TGeoChecker(const TGeoChecker&)
        TGeoChecker& operator=(const TGeoChecker&)

Author: Andrei Gheata 01/11/01
Last update: root/geom:$Name: $:$Id: TGeoChecker.cxx,v 1.33 2005/04/25 07:53:27 brun Exp $
Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *

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