// @(#)root/rint:$Name:  $:$Id: TTabCom.h,v 1.10 2006/05/19 07:40:18 brun Exp $
// Author: Christian Lacunza <lacunza@cdfsg6.lbl.gov>   27/04/99

// Modified by Artur Szostak <artur@alice.phy.uct.ac.za> : 1 June 2003
//   Added support for namespaces.

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#ifndef ROOT_TTabCom
#define ROOT_TTabCom

//                                                                        //
// TTabCom                                                                //
//                                                                        //
// This class performs basic tab completion.                              //
// You should be able to hit [TAB] to complete a partially typed:         //
//                                                                        //
//   username                                                             //
//   environment variable                                                 //
//   preprocessor directive                                               //
//   pragma                                                               //
//   filename (with a context-sensitive path)                             //
//   public member function or data member                                //
//   global variable, function, or class name                             //
//                                                                        //
// Also, something like gWhatever->Func([TAB] will print the appropriate  //
// list of prototypes. For a list of some limitations see the source.     //
//                                                                        //

#ifndef ROOT_TObjString
#include "TObjString.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TRegExp
#include "TRegexp.h"

#define MAX_LEN_PAT 1024               // maximum length of a pattern
#define dblquote(x) "\"" << x << "\""

// forward declarations
class TList;
class TListIter;
class TSeqCollection;
class TClass;

class TTabCom {

public: // constructors
   virtual ~TTabCom() { }

public: // typedefs
   typedef TList     TContainer;
   typedef TListIter TContIter;

public: // member functions
   Int_t Hook(char *buf, int *pLoc);

   const TSeqCollection* GetListOfClasses();
   const TSeqCollection* GetListOfCppDirectives();
   const TSeqCollection* GetListOfFilesInPath( const char path[] );
   const TSeqCollection* GetListOfEnvVars();
   const TSeqCollection* GetListOfGlobalFunctions();
   const TSeqCollection* GetListOfGlobals();
   const TSeqCollection* GetListOfPragmas();
   const TSeqCollection* GetListOfSysIncFiles();
   const TSeqCollection* GetListOfUsers();

   void ClearClasses();
   void ClearCppDirectives();
   void ClearEnvVars();
   void ClearFiles();
   void ClearGlobalFunctions();
   void ClearGlobals();
   void ClearPragmas();
   void ClearSysIncFiles();
   void ClearUsers();

   void ClearAll();

   void RehashClasses();
   void RehashCppDirectives();
   void RehashEnvVars();
   void RehashFiles();
   void RehashGlobalFunctions();
   void RehashGlobals();
   void RehashPragmas();
   void RehashSysIncFiles();
   void RehashUsers();

   void RehashAll();

public: // static utility functions
   static Char_t   AllAgreeOnChar( int i, const TSeqCollection* pList, Int_t& nGoodStrings );
   static void     AppendListOfFilesInDirectory( const char dirName[], TSeqCollection* pList );
   static TString  DetermineClass( const char varName[] ); // TROOT
   static Bool_t   ExcludedByFignore( TString s );
   static TString  GetSysIncludePath(); // TROOT
   static Bool_t   IsDirectory( const char fileName[] ); // TSystem
   static TSeqCollection* NewListOfFilesInPath( const char path[] );
   static Bool_t   PathIsSpecifiedInFileName( const TString& fileName );
   static void     NoMsg( Int_t errorLevel );

public: // enums
   enum {kDebug = 17}; // set gDebug==TTabCom::kDebug for debugging output

   enum EContext_t {
      // first enum (not counting "kUNKNOWN_CONTEXT") must
      // cast to zero because these enums will be used to
      // index arrays of size "kNUM_PAT"
      // ---------------

      // user names and environment variables should come first
      kSYS_EnvVar, // environment variables

      // file descriptor redirection should almost come first
      kCINT_stdout,  // stdout
      kCINT_stderr,  // stderr
      kCINT_stdin,   // stdin

      // CINT "." instructions
      // the position of these guys is irrelevant since each of
      // these commands will always be the only command on the line.
      kCINT_Edit,  // .E
      kCINT_Load,  // .L
      kCINT_Exec,  // .x
      kCINT_EXec,  // .X

      // specific preprocessor directives.
      kCINT_includeSYS,  // system files
      kCINT_includePWD,  // local files

      // specific preprocessor directives
      // must come before general preprocessor directives

      // general preprocessor directives
      // must come after specific preprocessor directives

      // specific member accessing
      // should come before general member accessing

      // random files
      /*                                                                */
      /* file names should come before member accessing                 */
      /*                                                                */
      /* (because otherwise "/tmp/a.cc" might look like you're trying   */
      /* to access member "cc" of some object "a")                      */
      /*                                                                */
      /* but after anything that requires a specific path.              */
      /*                                                                */

      // time to print prototype
      kCXX_NewProto, // kCXX_NewProto must come before kCXX_ConstructorProto
      kCXX_ConstructorProto, // kCXX_ConstructorProto this must come before kCXX_GlobalProto

      // general member access
      // should come after specific member access

      // arbitrary global identifiers
      // should really come last

      // ------- make additions above this line ---------
      kNUM_PAT // kNUM_PAT must be last. (to fix array size)

private: // member functions
   TTabCom(const TTabCom &);  //private and not implemented

   Int_t      Complete( const TRegexp& re, const TSeqCollection* pListOfCandidates, const char appendage[] );
   void       CopyMatch( char dest[], const char localName[], const char appendage[]=0, const char fullName[]=0 ) const;
   EContext_t DetermineContext() const;
   TString    DeterminePath( const TString& fileName, const char defaultPath[] ) const;
   TString    ExtendPath( const char originalPath[], TString newBase ) const;
   void       InitPatterns();
   TClass*    MakeClassFromClassName( const char className[] ) const;
   TClass*    TryMakeClassFromClassName( const char className[] ) const;
   TClass*    MakeClassFromVarName( const char varName[], EContext_t& context,
                  int iter=0);
   void       SetPattern( EContext_t handle, const char regexp[] );
   int        ParseReverse(const char *var_str, int start);

private: // data members
   TSeqCollection* fpClasses;
   TSeqCollection* fpNamespaces;  // Contains the names of namespaces registered in CINT.
   TSeqCollection* fpDirectives;
   TSeqCollection* fpEnvVars;
   TSeqCollection* fpFiles;
   TSeqCollection* fpGlobals;
   TSeqCollection* fpGlobalFuncs;
   TSeqCollection* fpPragmas;
   TSeqCollection* fpSysIncFiles;
   TSeqCollection* fpUsers;

   char* fBuf;  // initialized by Hook()
   int*  fpLoc; // initialized by Hook()

   Pattern_t   fPat[ kNUM_PAT ][ MAX_LEN_PAT ];  // array of patterns
   const char* fRegExp[ kNUM_PAT ];              // corresponding regular expression plain text
   Bool_t fVarIsPointer;                         // frodo: pointer or not flag
   Int_t  fLastIter;                             // frodo: iteration counter for recursive MakeClassFromVarName

   ClassDef(TTabCom,0)  //Perform comand line completion when hitting <TAB>

extern TTabCom *gTabCom;


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