// @(#)root/unuran:$Name:  $:$Id: TUnuranEmpDist.h,v 1.5 2007/03/30 13:22:33 moneta Exp $
// Authors: L. Moneta, J. Leydold Wed Feb 28 2007

 *                                                                    *
 * Copyright (c) 2006  LCG ROOT Math Team, CERN/PH-SFT                *
 *                                                                    *
 *                                                                    *

// Header file for class TUnuranEmpDist

//   TUnuranEmpDistr class 
//   wrapper class for one dimensional empirical distribution

#ifndef ROOT_Math_TUnuranEmpDist
#define ROOT_Math_TUnuranEmpDist

#ifndef ROOT_Math_TUnuranBaseDist
#include "TUnuranBaseDist.h"

#include <vector>

class TH1;

   TUnuranEmpDist class 
   wrapper class for empiral  distributions obtained for example from an histogram 
   or a vector of data

class TUnuranEmpDist : public TUnuranBaseDist {


      Constructor from a TH1 objects.  
      If the histogram has a buffer by default the unbinned data are used 
   TUnuranEmpDist (const TH1 * h1 = 0, bool useBuffer = true );

      Constructor from a set of data using an iterator to specify begin/end of the data
      In the case of multi-dimension the data are assumed to be passed in this order 
   template<class Iterator>
   TUnuranEmpDist (Iterator begin, Iterator end, unsigned int dim = 1) : 
      fData(std::vector<double>(begin,end) ), 
      fMin(0), fMax(0),
      fBinned(0)  {}

      Constructor from a set of 1D data
   TUnuranEmpDist (unsigned int n, double * x); 

      Constructor from a set of 2D data
   TUnuranEmpDist (unsigned int n, double * x, double * y); 

      Constructor from a set of 3D data
   TUnuranEmpDist (unsigned int n, double * x, double * y, double * z); 

      Destructor (no operations)
   virtual ~TUnuranEmpDist () {}

      Copy constructor
   TUnuranEmpDist(const TUnuranEmpDist &);

      Assignment operator
   TUnuranEmpDist & operator = (const TUnuranEmpDist & rhs); 

      Clone (required by base class)
   TUnuranEmpDist * Clone() const { return new TUnuranEmpDist(*this); } 

      Return reference to data vector (unbinned or binned data)
   const std::vector<double> & Data() const { return fData; }

      Flag to control if data are binned 
   bool IsBinned() const { return fBinned; }

      Min value of binned data 
      (return 0 for unbinned data)
   double LowerBin() const { return fMin; }

      upper value of binned data 
      (return 0 for unbinned data)
   double UpperBin() const { return fMax; }

      Number of data dimensions
   unsigned int NDim() const { return fDim; }


   std::vector<double>  fData;       //pointer to the data vector (used for generation from un-binned data)
   unsigned int fDim;                 //data dimensionality
   double fMin;                       // min values (used in the binned case)
   double fMax;                       // max values (used in the binned case)
   bool   fBinned;                    // flag for binned/unbinned data 

   ClassDef(TUnuranEmpDist,1)         //Wrapper class for empirical distribution 


#endif /* ROOT_Math_TUnuranEmpDist */

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