// @(#)root/base:$Id: TApplicationImp.h 20877 2007-11-19 11:17:07Z rdm $
// Author: Fons Rademakers   22/12/95

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#ifndef ROOT_TApplicationImp
#define ROOT_TApplicationImp

//                                                                      //
// TApplicationImp                                                      //
//                                                                      //
// ABC describing GUI independent application implementation protocol.  //
//                                                                      //

#ifndef ROOT_TString
#include "TString.h"

class TGWin32Command;

class TApplicationImp {

   TString   fApplicationName;    // application name

   TApplicationImp(): fApplicationName() { }
   TApplicationImp(const char *appClassName, int *argc, char **argv);
   virtual ~TApplicationImp() { }

   virtual const char *ApplicationName() const { return fApplicationName.Data(); }
   virtual void        Show() { }
   virtual void        Hide() { }
   virtual void        Iconify() { }
   virtual Bool_t      IsCmdThread() { return kTRUE; } // by default (for UNIX) ROOT is a single thread application
   virtual void        Init() { }
   virtual void        Open() { }
   virtual void        Raise() { }
   virtual void        Lower() { }
   virtual Int_t       ExecCommand(TGWin32Command *code, Bool_t synch);

   ClassDef(TApplicationImp,0)  //ABC describing application protocol

inline TApplicationImp::TApplicationImp(const char *appClassName, int *, char **)
  : fApplicationName(appClassName) { }
inline Int_t TApplicationImp::ExecCommand(TGWin32Command *, Bool_t) { return 0; }


Last change: Wed Jun 25 08:34:40 2008
Last generated: 2008-06-25 08:34

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