// @(#)root/gui:$Id: TGTextEntry.cxx 23115 2008-04-10 13:35:37Z rdm $
// Author: Fons Rademakers   08/01/98

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

    This source is based on Xclass95, a Win95-looking GUI toolkit.
    Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 David Barth, Ricky Ralston, Hector Peraza.

    Xclass95 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


//                                                                      //
// TGTextEntry                                                          //
//                                                                      //
// A TGTextEntry is a one line text input widget.                       //
//                                                                      //
// Changing text in the text entry widget will generate the event:      //
// kC_TEXTENTRY, kTE_TEXTCHANGED, widget id, 0.                         //
// Hitting the enter key will generate:                                 //
// kC_TEXTENTRY, kTE_ENTER, widget id, 0.                               //
// Hitting the tab key will generate:                                   //
// kC_TEXTENTRY, kTE_TAB, widget id, 0.                                 //
//                                                                      //
// This widget has the behaviour e.g. of the "Location" field in        //
// netscape. That includes handling Control/Shift key modifiers and     //
// scrolling the text.                                                  //
// enum TGTextEntry::EEchoMode
// This enum type describes the ways in which TGTextEntry can display
// its contents. The currently defined values are:
<li>  kNormal - display characters as they are entered. This is the default.
<li>  kNoEcho - do not display anything.
<li>  kPassword - display asterisks instead of the characters actually entered.
// See also SetEchoMode(), GetEchoMode().
// enum TGTextEntry::EInsertMode
// This enum type describes the way how typed characters are
// inserted in the text entry. This mode is switched by "Insert" key.
<li>  kInsert - typed character are inserted (cursor has shape of short line).
<li>  kReplace - typed characters substitute already typed ones
                 (cursor has the shape of filled rectangle).
// enum TGWidget::ETextJustification
// This enum type (defined in TGWidget.h) describes the text alignment modes.
// These modes are valid untill text fits the frame width
<li>  kTextLeft    - left-side text alignment
<li>  kTextRight   - right-side text alignment
<li>  kTextCenterX - center text alignment
// The key press event handler converts a key press to some line editor action.
// Here are the default key bindings:
<li><i> Left Arrow </i>
        Move the cursor one character leftwards.
        Scroll the text when cursor is out of frame.
<li><i> Right Arrow </i>
        Move the cursor one character rightwards
        Scroll the text when cursor is out of frame.
<li><i> Backspace </i>
        Deletes the character on the left side of the text cursor and moves the
        cursor one position to the left. If a text has been marked by the user
        (e.g. by clicking and dragging) the cursor will be put at the beginning
        of the marked text and the marked text will be removed.
<li><i> Home </i>
        Moves the text cursor to the left end of the line. If mark is TRUE text
        will be marked towards the first position, if not any marked text will
        be unmarked if the cursor is moved.
<li><i> End </i>
        Moves the text cursor to the right end of the line. If mark is TRUE text
        will be marked towards the last position, if not any marked text will
        be unmarked if the cursor is moved.
<li><i> Delete </i>
        Deletes the character on the right side of the text cursor. If a text
        has been marked by the user (e.g. by clicking and dragging) the cursor
        will be put at the beginning of the marked text and the marked text will
        be removed.
<li><i> Insert </i>
        Switches character insert mode.
<li><i> Shift - Left Arrow </i>
        Mark text one character leftwards
<li><i> Shift - Right Arrow </i>
        Mark text one character rightwards
<li><i> Control - Left Arrow </i>
        Move the cursor one word leftwards
<li><i> Control - Right Arrow </i>
        Move the cursor one word rightwards.
<li><i> Control - Shift - Left Arrow </i>
        Mark text one word leftwards
<li><i> Control - Shift - Right Arrow </i>
        Mark text one word rightwards
<li><i> Control-A </i>
        Move the cursor to the beginning of the line
<li><i> Control-B </i>
        Move the cursor one character leftwards
<li><i> Control-C </i>
        Copy the marked text to the clipboard.
<li><i> Control-D </i>
        Delete the character to the right of the cursor
<li><i> Control-E </i>
        Move the cursor to the end of the line
<li><i> Control-F </i>
        Move the cursor one character rightwards
<li><i> Control-H </i>
        Delete the character to the left of the cursor
<li><i> Control-K </i>
        Delete marked text if any or delete all
        characters to the right of the cursor
<li><i> Control-U </i>
        Delete all characters on the line
<li><i> Control-V </i>
        Paste the clipboard text into line edit.
<li><i> Control-X </i>
        Cut the marked text, copy to clipboard.
<li><i> Control-Y </i>
        Paste the clipboard text into line edit.
All other keys with valid ASCII codes insert themselves into the line.

//******************* TGTextEntry signals *************************************
// TGTextEntry::ReturnPressed()
//    This signal is emitted when the return or enter key is pressed.
// TGTextEntry::TabPressed()
//    This signal is emitted when the <TAB> key is pressed.
//    Use for changing focus.
// TGTextEntry::ShiftTabPressed()
//    This signal is emitted when the <SHIFT> and <TAB> keys are pressed.
//    Use for changing focus in reverse direction.
// TGTextEntry::TextChanged(const char *text)
//    This signal is emitted every time the text has changed.
//    The argument is the new text.
// TGTextEntry::CursorOutLeft()
// This signal is emitted when cursor is going out of left side.
// TGTextEntry::CursorOutRight()
// This signal is emitted when cursor is going out of right side.
// TGTextEntry::CursorOutUp()
// This signal is emitted when cursor is going out of upper side.
// TGTextEntry::CursorOutDown()
// This signal is emitted when cursor is going out of bottom side.
// TGTextEntry::DoubleClicked()
// This signal is emitted when widget is double clicked.

#include "TGTextEntry.h"
#include "TGResourcePool.h"
#include "TGToolTip.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TTimer.h"
#include "TColor.h"
#include "KeySymbols.h"
#include "Riostream.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include "TGMsgBox.h"

TString      *TGTextEntry::fgClipboardText = 0;
const TGFont *TGTextEntry::fgDefaultFont = 0;
const TGGC   *TGTextEntry::fgDefaultSelectedGC = 0;
const TGGC   *TGTextEntry::fgDefaultSelectedBackgroundGC = 0;
const TGGC   *TGTextEntry::fgDefaultGC = 0;

TGTextEntry *gBlinkingEntry = 0;

class TBlinkTimer : public TTimer {
   TGTextEntry   *fTextEntry;
   TBlinkTimer(TGTextEntry *t, Long_t ms) : TTimer(ms, kTRUE) { fTextEntry = t; }
   Bool_t Notify();

Bool_t TBlinkTimer::Notify()
   // Notify when timer times out and reset the timer.

   return kFALSE;


TGTextEntry::TGTextEntry(const TGWindow *p, TGTextBuffer *text, Int_t id,
                         GContext_t norm, FontStruct_t font, UInt_t options,
                         ULong_t back) :
   TGFrame(p, 1, 1, options | kOwnBackground, back)
   // Create a text entry widget. It will adopt the TGTextBuffer object
   // (i.e. the text buffer will be deleted by the text entry widget).

   TGGC *normgc   = fClient->GetResourcePool()->GetGCPool()->FindGC(norm);

   fWidgetId      = id;
   fMsgWindow     = p;
   if (normgc)
      fNormGC     = *normgc;
      fNormGC     = GetDefaultGC();
   fFontStruct    = font;
   fText          = text;


TGTextEntry::TGTextEntry(const TGWindow *parent, const char *text, Int_t id) :
   TGFrame(parent, 1, 1, kSunkenFrame | kDoubleBorder | kOwnBackground, fgWhitePixel)
   // Simple text entry constructor.

   fWidgetId      = id;
   fMsgWindow     = parent;
   fNormGC        = GetDefaultGC();
   fFontStruct    = GetDefaultFontStruct();
   fText          = new TGTextBuffer();
   fText->AddText(0, !text && !parent ? GetName() : text);

   Init();                             // default initialization

TGTextEntry::TGTextEntry(const TString &contents, const TGWindow *parent, Int_t id) :
   TGFrame(parent, 1, 1, kSunkenFrame | kDoubleBorder | kOwnBackground, fgWhitePixel)
   // Simple test entry constructor. Notice TString argument comes before the
   // parent argument (to make this ctor different from the first one taking a
   // const char*).

   fWidgetId      = id;
   fMsgWindow     = parent;
   fNormGC        = GetDefaultGC();
   fFontStruct    = GetDefaultFontStruct();
   fText          = new TGTextBuffer();
   fText->AddText(0, contents.Data());

   Init();                             // default initialization

   // Delete a text entry widget.

   delete fText;
   delete fCurBlink;
   delete fTip;

   if (this == gBlinkingEntry) gBlinkingEntry = 0;

void TGTextEntry::Init()
   // Do default initialization.

   fWidgetFlags = kWidgetWantFocus | kWidgetIsEnabled;
   fSelGC       = GetDefaultSelectedGC();
   fSelbackGC   = GetDefaultSelectedBackgroundGC()();

   fOffset = 0;
   fMaxLen = 255;             // TString::Length() can not exceed 255 characters
   fFrameDrawn = kTRUE;
   fEdited = kFALSE;
   fEchoMode = kNormal;
   fAlignment= kTextLeft;
   fInsertMode = kInsert;

   int tw, max_ascent, max_descent;
   tw = gVirtualX->TextWidth(fFontStruct, GetText(), fText->GetTextLength());

   if (tw < 1) {
      TString dummy('w', fText->GetBufferLength());
      tw = gVirtualX->TextWidth(fFontStruct, dummy.Data(), dummy.Length());
   gVirtualX->GetFontProperties(fFontStruct, max_ascent, max_descent);
   Resize(tw + 8, max_ascent + max_descent + 7);

   Int_t offset = IsFrameDrawn() ? 4 : 0;
   fCursorX     = offset ;
   fCursorIX    = fStartIX = fEndIX = fOffset = 0;
   fSelectionOn = fCursorOn = kFALSE;
   fCurBlink    = 0;
   fTip         = 0;
   fClipboard   = fClient->GetResourcePool()->GetClipboard();

   gVirtualX->SetCursor(fId, fClient->GetResourcePool()->GetTextCursor());

   gVirtualX->GrabButton(fId, kAnyButton, kAnyModifier,
                         kButtonPressMask | kButtonReleaseMask |
                         kButtonMotionMask, kNone, kNone);

   AddInput(kKeyPressMask | kFocusChangeMask |
            kEnterWindowMask | kLeaveWindowMask);

   SetWindowAttributes_t wattr;
   wattr.fMask = kWAWinGravity | kWABitGravity;
   wattr.fBitGravity = 1; // NorthWestGravity
   wattr.fWinGravity = 1;
   gVirtualX->ChangeWindowAttributes(fId, &wattr);

   fHasOwnFont = kFALSE;
   fEditDisabled = kEditDisableHeight;

void TGTextEntry::ReturnPressed()
   // This signal is emitted when the return or enter key is pressed.

   SendMessage(fMsgWindow, MK_MSG(kC_TEXTENTRY, kTE_ENTER), fWidgetId, 0);
   fClient->ProcessLine(fCommand, MK_MSG(kC_TEXTENTRY, kTE_ENTER),fWidgetId, 0);


void TGTextEntry::ShiftTabPressed()
   // This signal is emitted when <SHIFT> and <TAB> keys are pressed.


void TGTextEntry::TabPressed()
   // This signal is emitted when the <TAB> key is pressed.

   SendMessage(fMsgWindow, MK_MSG(kC_TEXTENTRY, kTE_TAB), fWidgetId, 0);
   fClient->ProcessLine(fCommand, MK_MSG(kC_TEXTENTRY, kTE_TAB), fWidgetId, 0);


void TGTextEntry::TextChanged(const char *)
   // This signal is emitted every time the text has changed.

   SendMessage(fMsgWindow, MK_MSG(kC_TEXTENTRY, kTE_TEXTCHANGED),fWidgetId, 0);
   fClient->ProcessLine(fCommand, MK_MSG(kC_TEXTENTRY, kTE_TEXTCHANGED),fWidgetId, 0);

   Emit("TextChanged(char*)", GetText());  // The argument is the new text.

void TGTextEntry::CursorOutLeft()
   // This signal is emitted when cursor is going out of left side.


void TGTextEntry::CursorOutRight()
   // This signal is emitted when cursor is going out of right side.


void TGTextEntry::CursorOutUp()
   // This signal is emitted when cursor is going out of upper side.


void TGTextEntry::CursorOutDown()
   // This signal is emitted when cursor is going out of bottom side.


void TGTextEntry::DoubleClicked()
   // This signal is emitted when widget is double clicked.


TString TGTextEntry::GetDisplayText() const
   // Returns the text that's currently displayed.  This is normally
   // the same as GetText(), but can be e.g.
   // "*****" if EEchoMode is kPassword or
   // ""      if it is kNoEcho.

   TString res;

   switch (GetEchoMode()) {
   case kNormal:
         res = GetText();
   case kNoEcho:
         res = "";
   case kPassword:
         res.Prepend('*', fText->GetTextLength());  // fill with '*'
   return res;

void TGTextEntry::SetState(Bool_t state)
   // Set state of widget. If kTRUE=enabled, kFALSE=disabled.

   if (state) {
   } else {
      fCursorOn = kFALSE;   // remove the cursor when disabling the widget
      if (fCurBlink) fCurBlink->Remove();

Int_t TGTextEntry::GetCharacterIndex(Int_t xcoord)
   // Returns the index of the character to whose left edge xcoord is closest.

   int tw, ix, up, down, len;

   // check for out of boundaries first...
   TString dt = GetDisplayText();
   len = dt.Length();
   tw = gVirtualX->TextWidth(fFontStruct, dt.Data(), len);
   if (xcoord < 0) return 0;
   if (xcoord > tw) return len; // len-1

   // do a binary approximation
   up = len; //-1
   down = 0;
   while (up-down > 1) {
      ix = (up+down) >> 1;
      tw = gVirtualX->TextWidth(fFontStruct, fText->GetString(), ix);
      if (tw > xcoord)
         up = ix;
         down = ix;
      if (tw == xcoord) break;
   ix = down;

   // safety check...
   ix = TMath::Max(ix, 0);
   ix = TMath::Min(ix, len); // len-1

   return ix;

void TGTextEntry::SetFrameDrawn(Bool_t enable)
   // Sets the text entry to draw itself inside a two-pixel frame if
   // enable is kTRUE, and to draw itself without any frame if enable is
   // kFALSE. The default is kTRUE.

   if (fFrameDrawn == enable) return;

   fFrameDrawn = enable;
   // ChangedBy("SetFrameDrawn");  // emit signal ChangedBy

void TGTextEntry::SetAlignment(ETextJustification mode)
   // Sets the alignment of the text entry.
   // Possible values are kTextLeft(default), kTextRight, kTextCenterX.
   // See also GetAlignment().

   if ((mode == kTextRight ||
        mode == kTextCenterX ||
        mode == kTextLeft)) {

      SetWindowAttributes_t wattr;
      wattr.fMask = kWAWinGravity | kWABitGravity;
      wattr.fWinGravity = 1;

      if (mode == kTextLeft) {
         wattr.fBitGravity = 1;
      } else if (mode == kTextRight) {
         wattr.fBitGravity = 3;
      } else {
         wattr.fBitGravity = 5;

      gVirtualX->ChangeWindowAttributes(fId, &wattr);

      fAlignment = mode;
      // ChangedBy("SetAlignment");  // emit signal ChangedBy

void TGTextEntry::SetInsertMode(EInsertMode mode)
   // Sets the mode how characters are entered to the text entry.

   if (fInsertMode == mode) return;

   fInsertMode = mode;
   // ChangedBy("SetInsertMode");  // emit signal ChangedBy

void TGTextEntry::SetText(const char *text)
   // Sets text entry to text, clears the selection and moves
   // the cursor to the end of the line.
   // If necessary the text is truncated to fit MaxLength().
   // See also  GetText().

   TString oldText(GetText());

   fText->AddText(0, text); // new text

   Int_t dif = fText->GetTextLength() - fMaxLen;
   if (dif > 0) fText->RemoveText(fMaxLen, dif);       // truncate

   if (oldText != GetText()) {
      TextChanged();            // emit signal

void TGTextEntry::SetMaxLength(Int_t maxlen)
   // Set the maximum length of the text in the editor.  If the text is
   // currently too long, it is chopped off at the limit. Any marked text will
   // be unmarked.  The cursor position is set to 0 and the first part of the
   // string is shown.   The range  of maxlen  is (0,255)
   // See  also GetMaxLength().

   fMaxLen = maxlen<0 ? 0 : TMath::Min(255,maxlen) ; // safety check for maxlen<0 and maxlen>255

   Int_t dif = fText->GetTextLength() - fMaxLen;
   if (dif > 0) fText->RemoveText(fMaxLen, dif);    // truncate


   // ChangedBy("SetMaxLength");  // emit signal ChangedBy

void TGTextEntry::SetEchoMode(EEchoMode mode)
   // The echo modes available are:
   // <ul>
   // <li> kNormal   - display characters as they are entered.  This is the default.
   // <li> kNoEcho   - do not display anything.
   // <li> kPassword - display asterisks instead of the characters actually entered.
   // </ul>
   // It is always possible to cut and paste any marked text;  only the widget's own
   // display is affected.
   // See also GetEchoMode(), GetDisplayText().

   if (fEchoMode == mode) return;

   Int_t offset = IsFrameDrawn() ? 4 : 0;
   fEchoMode = mode;
   if (GetEchoMode() == kNoEcho) { fCursorX = offset; }
   // ChangedBy("SetEchoMode");  // emit signal ChangedBy

TString TGTextEntry::GetMarkedText() const
   // Returns the text marked by the user (e.g. by clicking and
   // dragging), or zero if no text is marked.
   // See also HasMarkedText().

   Int_t minP = MinMark();
   Int_t len = MaxMark() - minP;
   TString res(GetText()+minP,len);
   return res;

void TGTextEntry::NewMark(Int_t newPos)
   // New character mark at position pos.
   // See also SetCursorPosition().

   TString dt = GetDisplayText();
   Int_t offset = IsFrameDrawn() ? 4 : 0;
   Int_t x = fOffset + offset;
   Int_t len = dt.Length();

   Int_t pos = newPos < len ? newPos : len;
   fEndIX = pos < 0 ? 0 : pos;

   fSelectionOn = fSelectionOn && (fEndIX != fStartIX) && (GetEchoMode() != kNoEcho) ;

   if (fSelectionOn) {
      fEndX =  x + gVirtualX->TextWidth(fFontStruct, dt.Data() , fEndIX);
      fStartX = x + gVirtualX->TextWidth(fFontStruct, dt.Data() , fStartIX);

void TGTextEntry::SetCursorPosition(Int_t newPos)
   // Set the cursor position to newPos.
   // See also NewMark().

   Int_t offset = IsFrameDrawn() ? 4 : 0;
   if (GetEchoMode() == kNoEcho) { fCursorX = offset; return; }

   TString dt = GetDisplayText();

   Int_t x = fOffset + offset;
   Int_t len = dt.Length();

   Int_t pos;

   if (newPos < len)
      pos = newPos;
   else {
      pos = len;
      if (newPos > len) CursorOutRight();

   if (pos < 0) {
      fCursorIX = 0;
   } else
      fCursorIX = pos;

   fCursorX = x + gVirtualX->TextWidth(fFontStruct, dt.Data(), fCursorIX);

   if (!fSelectionOn){
      fStartIX = fCursorIX;
      fStartX  = fCursorX;

void TGTextEntry::MarkWord(Int_t pos)
   // Marks the word nearest to cursor position.
   // See also HandleDoubleClick().

   Int_t i = pos - 1;
   while (i >= 0 && isprint(GetText()[i]) && !isspace(GetText()[i])) i--;
   Int_t newStartIX = i;

   i = pos;
   while (isprint(GetText()[i]) && !isspace(GetText()[i])) i++;
   while(isspace(GetText()[i])) i++;

   fSelectionOn = kTRUE;
   fStartIX = newStartIX;
   fEndIX = i;

void TGTextEntry::Insert(const char *newText)
   // Removes any currently selected text, inserts newText,
   // sets it as the new contents of the text entry.

   TString old(GetText());
   TString t(newText);

   if (t.IsNull()) return;

   for (int i=0; i<t.Length(); i++) {
      if (t[i] < ' ') t[i] = ' '; // unprintable/linefeed becomes space

   Int_t minP = MinMark();
   Int_t maxP = MaxMark();
   Int_t cp = fCursorIX;

   if (HasMarkedText()) {
      fText->RemoveText(minP, maxP-minP);
      cp = minP;

   if (fInsertMode == kReplace) fText->RemoveText(cp,t.Length());
   Int_t ncp = TMath::Min(cp+t.Length(), GetMaxLength());
   fText->AddText(cp, t.Data());
   Int_t dlen = fText->GetTextLength()-GetMaxLength();
   if (dlen>0) fText->RemoveText(GetMaxLength(),dlen); // truncate

   if (old != GetText()) TextChanged();

void TGTextEntry::CursorRight(Bool_t mark, Int_t steps)
   // Moves the cursor rightwards one or more characters.
   // See also CursorLeft().

   Int_t cp = fCursorIX + steps;

   if (cp == fCursorIX)  {
      if (!mark) {
         fSelectionOn = kFALSE;
         fEndIX = fStartIX = fCursorIX;
   } else if (mark) {
      fSelectionOn = kTRUE;
   } else {
      fSelectionOn = kFALSE;

void TGTextEntry::CursorLeft(Bool_t mark, Int_t steps)
   // Moves the cursor leftwards one or more characters.
   // See also CursorRight().

   CursorRight(mark, -steps);

void TGTextEntry::CursorWordForward(Bool_t mark)
   // Moves the cursor one word to the right.  If mark is kTRUE, the text
   // is marked.
   // See also CursorWordBackward().

   Int_t i = fCursorIX;
   while (i < (Int_t)fText->GetTextLength() && !isspace(GetText()[i])) ++i;
   while (i < (Int_t)fText->GetTextLength() && isspace(GetText()[i])) ++i;
   CursorRight(mark, i - fCursorIX);

void TGTextEntry::CursorWordBackward(Bool_t mark)
   // Moves the cursor one word to the left.  If mark is kTRUE, the text
   // is marked.
   // See also CursorWordForward().

   Int_t i = fCursorIX;
   while (i > 0 && isspace(GetText()[i-1])) --i;
   while (i > 0 && !isspace(GetText()[i-1])) --i;
   CursorLeft(mark,  fCursorIX - i);

void TGTextEntry::Backspace()
   // Deletes the character on the left side of the text cursor and moves the
   // cursor one position to the left. If a text has been marked by the user
   // (e.g. by clicking and dragging) the cursor will be put at the beginning
   // of the marked text and the marked text will be removed.
   // See also  Del().

   if (HasMarkedText())  {
   } else if (fCursorIX > 0) {

void TGTextEntry::Del()
   // Deletes the character on the right side of the text cursor. If a text
   // has been marked by the user (e.g. by clicking and dragging) the cursor
   // will be put at the beginning of the marked text and the marked text will
   // be removed.
   // See also Backspace().

   Int_t minP = MinMark();
   Int_t maxP = MaxMark();

   if (HasMarkedText())  {
      fText->RemoveText(minP, maxP-minP);
      fSelectionOn = kFALSE;
   }  else if (fCursorIX != (Int_t)fText->GetTextLength()) {
      fSelectionOn = kFALSE;
      fText->RemoveText(fCursorIX , 1);

void TGTextEntry::Remove()
   // Deletes all characters on the right side of the cursor.
   // See also Del() Backspace().

   if (fCursorIX < (Int_t)fText->GetTextLength()) {
      fText->RemoveText(fCursorIX , fText->GetTextLength() - fCursorIX);
      TextChanged();                      // emit signal

void TGTextEntry::CopyText() const
   // Copies the marked text to the clipboard, if there is any and
   // GetEchoMode() is kNormal.
   // See also  Cut() Paste().

   if (HasMarkedText() && GetEchoMode() == kNormal) {
      if (!fgClipboardText) fgClipboardText = new TString();
      *fgClipboardText = GetMarkedText();  // assign

void TGTextEntry::Paste()
   // Inserts text at the cursor position, deleting any
   // previous marked text.
   // See also CopyText() Cut().

   if (gVirtualX->GetPrimarySelectionOwner() == kNone) {
      // No primary selection, so use the buffer
      if (fgClipboardText) Insert(fgClipboardText->Data());
   } else {
      gVirtualX->ConvertPrimarySelection(fId, fClipboard, 0);

void TGTextEntry::Cut()
   // Copies the marked text to the clipboard and deletes it, if there is any.
   // See also CopyText() Paste().

   if (HasMarkedText()) {

void TGTextEntry::Clear(Option_t *)
   // Clears up the text entry.


void TGTextEntry::Home(Bool_t mark)
   // Moves the text cursor to the left end of the line. If mark is kTRUE text
   // will be marked towards the first position, if not any marked text will
   // be unmarked if the cursor is moved.
   // See also End().

   fOffset = 0;
   if (mark){
      fSelectionOn = kTRUE;
      fStartIX = fCursorIX;
   } else {
      fSelectionOn = kFALSE;

void TGTextEntry::End(Bool_t mark)
   // Moves the text cursor to the right end of the line. If mark is kTRUE text
   // will be marked towards the last position, if not any marked text will
   // be unmarked if the cursor is moved.
   // See also Home().

   TString dt = GetDisplayText();
   Int_t len  = dt.Length();

   fOffset = (Int_t)GetWidth() - gVirtualX->TextWidth(fFontStruct, dt.Data(), len);
   if (fOffset > 0) fOffset = 0;

   if (mark){
      fSelectionOn = kTRUE;
      fStartIX = fCursorIX;
   } else {
      fSelectionOn = kFALSE;

void TGTextEntry::SelectAll()
   // Selects all text (i.e. marks it) and moves the cursor to the
   // end. Useful when a default value has been inserted. If the user
   // types before clicking on the widget the selected text will be
   // erased.

   fSelectionOn = kTRUE;
   fStartIX = 0;

void TGTextEntry::Deselect()
   // Deselects all text (i.e. removes marking) and leaves the cursor at the
   // current position.

   fSelectionOn = kFALSE;
   fEndIX = fStartIX = fCursorIX;

void TGTextEntry::DrawBorder()
   // Draw the border of the text entry widget.

   switch (fOptions & (kSunkenFrame | kRaisedFrame | kDoubleBorder)) {
      case kSunkenFrame | kDoubleBorder:
         gVirtualX->DrawLine(fId, GetShadowGC()(), 0, 0, fWidth-2, 0);
         gVirtualX->DrawLine(fId, GetShadowGC()(), 0, 0, 0, fHeight-2);
         gVirtualX->DrawLine(fId, GetBlackGC()(), 1, 1, fWidth-3, 1);
         gVirtualX->DrawLine(fId, GetBlackGC()(), 1, 1, 1, fHeight-3);

         gVirtualX->DrawLine(fId, GetHilightGC()(), 0, fHeight-1, fWidth-1, fHeight-1);
         gVirtualX->DrawLine(fId, GetHilightGC()(), fWidth-1, fHeight-1, fWidth-1, 0);
         gVirtualX->DrawLine(fId, GetBckgndGC()(),  1, fHeight-2, fWidth-2, fHeight-2);
         gVirtualX->DrawLine(fId, GetBckgndGC()(),  fWidth-2, 1, fWidth-2, fHeight-2);


void TGTextEntry::DoRedraw()
   // Draw the text entry widget.

   Int_t x, y, max_ascent, max_descent, h;
   Int_t offset = IsFrameDrawn() ? 4 : 0;
   TString dt  = GetDisplayText();               // text to be displayed
   Int_t len   = dt.Length();                    // length of displayed text

   // TGFrame::DoRedraw() == drawing border twice
   Int_t border = IsFrameDrawn() ? fBorderWidth : 0;

   gVirtualX->ClearArea(fId, border,  border,
            fWidth - (border << 1), fHeight - (border << 1));

   gVirtualX->GetFontProperties(fFontStruct, max_ascent, max_descent);

   h = max_ascent + max_descent;
   y = (fHeight - h) >> 1 ;
   x = fOffset + offset;

   if (fEchoMode == kNoEcho) {
      fSelectionOn = kFALSE;
      fCursorX = offset;

   if ((GetInsertMode() == kInsert) || (fEchoMode == kNoEcho)) {
      // line cursor
      if (fCursorOn) {
         gVirtualX->DrawLine(fId, GetBlackGC()(), fCursorX, y - 1,
                     fCursorX, h + 2);
      gVirtualX->DrawString(fId, fNormGC(), x, y + max_ascent, dt.Data(), len);

   } else {
      // filled rectangle (block) cursor
      gVirtualX->DrawString(fId, fNormGC(), x, y + max_ascent, dt.Data(), len);

      if (fCursorOn) {
         Int_t ind       = fCursorIX < len-1 ? fCursorIX : len - 1;
         Int_t charWidth = ind < 0 ||  fCursorIX > len - 1 ? 4 :
                           gVirtualX->TextWidth(fFontStruct, &dt[ind],1);

         Int_t before = gVirtualX->TextWidth(fFontStruct, dt, fCursorIX) + x;

         gVirtualX->FillRectangle(fId, fSelbackGC , before, y ,
                                  charWidth , h + 1);

         if (fCursorIX < len)
            gVirtualX->DrawString(fId, fSelGC(), before, y + max_ascent, &dt[ind], 1);

   if (fSelectionOn) {
      int xs, ws, ixs, iws;

      xs  = TMath::Min(fStartX, fEndX);
      ws  = TMath::Abs(fEndX - fStartX);
      ixs = TMath::Min(fStartIX, fEndIX);
      iws = TMath::Abs(fEndIX - fStartIX);

      gVirtualX->FillRectangle(fId, fSelbackGC, xs, y, ws, h + 1);

      gVirtualX->DrawString(fId, fSelGC(), xs, y + max_ascent,
                            dt.Data() + ixs, iws);
   if (IsFrameDrawn()) DrawBorder();

Bool_t TGTextEntry::HandleKey(Event_t* event)
   // The key press event handler converts a key press to some line editor
   // action. Here are the default key bindings:
   //  <ul>
   //  <li><i> Left Arrow </i>
   //          Move the cursor one character leftwards.
   //          Scroll the text when  cursor is out of frame.
   //  <li><i> Right Arrow </i>
   //          Move the cursor one character rightwards
   //          Scroll the text when  cursor is out of frame.
   //  <li><i> Backspace </i>
   //          Deletes the character on the left side of the text cursor and moves the
   //          cursor one position to the left. If a text has been marked by the user
   //          (e.g. by clicking and dragging) the cursor will be put at the beginning
   //          of the marked text and the marked text will be removed.
   //  <li><i> Home </i>
   //          Moves the text cursor to the left end of the line. If mark is TRUE text
   //          will be marked towards the first position, if not any marked text will
   //          be unmarked if the cursor is moved.
   //  <li><i> End </i>
   //          Moves the text cursor to the right end of the line. If mark is TRUE text
   //          will be marked towards the last position, if not any marked text will
   //          be unmarked if the cursor is moved.
   //  <li><i> Delete </i>
   //          Deletes the character on the right side of the text cursor. If a text
   //          has been marked by the user (e.g. by clicking and dragging) the cursor
   //          will be put at the beginning of the marked text and the marked text will
   //          be removed.
   //  <li><i> Insert </i>
   //          Switches character insert mode.
   //  <li><i> Shift - Left Arrow </i>
   //          Mark text one character leftwards
   //  <li><i> Shift - Right Arrow </i>
   //          Mark text one character rightwards
   //  <li><i> Control - Left Arrow </i>
   //          Move the cursor one word leftwards
   //  <li><i> Control - Right Arrow </i>
   //          Move the cursor one word rightwards.
   //  <li><i> Control - Shift - Left Arrow </i>
   //          Mark text one word leftwards
   //  <li><i> Control - Shift - Right Arrow </i>
   //          Mark text one word rightwards
   //  <li><i> Control-A </i>
   //          Move the cursor to the beginning of the line
   //  <li><i> Control-B </i>
   //          Move the cursor one character leftwards
   //  <li><i> Control-C </i>
   //          Copy the marked text to the clipboard.
   //  <li><i> Control-D </i>
   //          Delete the character to the right of the cursor
   //  <li><i> Control-E </i>
   //          Move the cursor to the end of the line
   //  <li><i> Control-F </i>
   //          Move the cursor one character rightwards
   //  <li><i> Control-H </i>
   //          Delete the character to the left of the cursor
   //  <li><i> Control-K </i>
   //          Delete marked text if any or delete all
   //          characters to the right of the cursor
   //  <li><i> Control-U </i>
   //          Delete all characters on the line
   //  <li><i> Control-V </i>
   //          Paste the clipboard text into line edit.
   //  <li><i> Control-X </i>
   //          Cut the marked text, copy to clipboard.
   //  <li><i> Control-Y </i>
   //          Paste the clipboard text into line edit.
   //  </ul>
   //  All other keys with valid ASCII codes insert themselves into the line.

   Int_t  n;
   char   tmp[10];
   UInt_t keysym;

   if (fTip && event->fType == kGKeyPress) fTip->Hide();

   if (!IsEnabled() || event->fType != kGKeyPress) return kTRUE;

   gVirtualX->LookupString(event, tmp, sizeof(tmp), keysym);
   n = strlen(tmp);
   Int_t unknown = 0;

   if ((EKeySym)keysym  == kKey_Enter || (EKeySym)keysym  == kKey_Return) {

      ReturnPressed();                                      // emit signal
      if (!TestBit(kNotDeleted)) return kTRUE;
      fSelectionOn = kFALSE;

   } else if (event->fState & kKeyShiftMask && (EKeySym)keysym  == kKey_Backtab) {
         ShiftTabPressed();                               // emit signal
         fSelectionOn = kFALSE;
         return kTRUE;

   } else if ((EKeySym)keysym  == kKey_Tab) {

      TabPressed();                                         // emit signal
      fSelectionOn = kFALSE;

   } else if (event->fState & kKeyControlMask) {  // Cntrl key modifier pressed
      switch ((EKeySym)keysym & ~0x20) {     // treat upper and lower the same
      case kKey_A:
         Home(event->fState & kKeyShiftMask);
      case kKey_B:
         CursorLeft(event->fState & kKeyShiftMask);
      case kKey_C:
      case kKey_D:
      case kKey_E:
         End(event->fState & kKeyShiftMask);
      case kKey_F:
         CursorRight(event->fState & kKeyShiftMask);
      case kKey_H:
      case kKey_K:
         HasMarkedText() ? Del() : Remove();
      case kKey_U:
      case kKey_V:
      case kKey_X:
      case kKey_Y:
      case kKey_Right:
         CursorWordForward(event->fState & kKeyShiftMask);
      case kKey_Left:
         CursorWordBackward(event->fState & kKeyShiftMask);
   } else if (n && keysym <127 && keysym >=32  &&     // printable keys
               (EKeySym)keysym  != kKey_Delete &&
               (EKeySym)keysym  != kKey_Backspace) {

      fSelectionOn = kFALSE;

   } else {
      switch ((EKeySym)keysym) {
      case kKey_Down:
      case kKey_Up:
      case kKey_Left:
         CursorLeft(event->fState & kKeyShiftMask);
      case kKey_Right:
         CursorRight(event->fState & kKeyShiftMask);
      case kKey_Backspace:
      case kKey_Home:
         Home(event->fState & kKeyShiftMask);
      case kKey_End:
         End(event->fState & kKeyShiftMask);
      case kKey_Delete:
      case kKey_Insert:                     // switch on/off insert mode
         SetInsertMode(GetInsertMode() == kInsert ? kReplace : kInsert);


   return kTRUE;

Bool_t TGTextEntry::HandleButton(Event_t *event)
   // Handle mouse button event in text entry widget.

   if (fTip) fTip->Hide();

   if (!IsEnabled()) return kTRUE;

   if (event->fType == kButtonPress) {
      if (fEchoMode == kNoEcho) return kTRUE;

      if (event->fCode == kButton1) {
         Int_t offset =  IsFrameDrawn() ? 4 : 0;
         Int_t x = fOffset + offset;
         Int_t position     = GetCharacterIndex(event->fX - x);
         fSelectionOn = kFALSE;
      } else if (event->fCode == kButton2) {
         if (gVirtualX->GetPrimarySelectionOwner() == kNone) {
            // No primary selection, so use the cut buffer
            PastePrimary(fClient->GetDefaultRoot()->GetId(), kCutBuffer, kFALSE);
         } else {
            gVirtualX->ConvertPrimarySelection(fId, fClipboard, event->fTime);
   if (event->fType == kButtonRelease)
      if (event->fCode == kButton1)

   return kTRUE;

Bool_t TGTextEntry::HandleCrossing(Event_t *event)
   // Handle mouse crossing event.

   if (event->fType == kEnterNotify) {
      if (fTip) fTip->Reset();
   } else {
      if (fTip) fTip->Hide();

   return kTRUE;

Bool_t TGTextEntry::HandleMotion(Event_t *event)
   // Handle mouse motion event in the text entry widget.

   if (!IsEnabled() || (GetEchoMode() == kNoEcho)) return kTRUE;

   Int_t offset =  IsFrameDrawn() ? 4 : 0;
   Int_t x = fOffset + offset;
   Int_t position = GetCharacterIndex(event->fX - x); // + 1;
   fSelectionOn = kTRUE;
   return kTRUE;

Bool_t TGTextEntry::HandleDoubleClick(Event_t *event)
   // Handle mouse double click event in the text entry widget.

   if (!IsEnabled()) return kTRUE;

   Int_t offset = IsFrameDrawn() ? 4 : 0;
   Int_t x = fOffset + offset ;

   if (fEchoMode == kNoEcho) return kTRUE;

   Int_t position = GetCharacterIndex(event->fX  - x);
   return kTRUE;

Bool_t TGTextEntry::HandleConfigureNotify(Event_t* event)
   // Handles resize events for this widget.

   return kTRUE;

Bool_t TGTextEntry::HandleFocusChange(Event_t *event)
   // Handle focus change event in text entry widget.

   if (!IsEnabled()) return kTRUE;

   // check this when porting to Win32
      if (event->fType == kFocusIn) {
         fCursorOn = kTRUE;
         if (!fCurBlink) fCurBlink = new TBlinkTimer(this, 500);
         gBlinkingEntry = this;
      } else {
         fCursorOn = kFALSE;
          // fSelectionOn = kFALSE;        // "netscape location behavior"
         if (fCurBlink) fCurBlink->Remove();
         gBlinkingEntry = 0;
   return kTRUE;

Bool_t TGTextEntry::HandleSelection(Event_t *event)
   // Handle text selection event.

   PastePrimary((Window_t)event->fUser[0], (Atom_t)event->fUser[3], kTRUE);
   return kTRUE;

Bool_t TGTextEntry::HandleSelectionClear(Event_t * /*event*/)
   // Handle selection clear event.

   fSelectionOn = kFALSE;
   fEndIX = fStartIX = fCursorIX;
   return kTRUE;

Bool_t TGTextEntry::HandleSelectionRequest(Event_t *event)
   // Handle request to send current clipboard contents to requestor window.

   Event_t reply;
   char   *buffer;
   Long_t  len;
   Atom_t targets[2];
   Atom_t type;

   reply.fType    = kSelectionNotify;
   reply.fTime    = event->fTime;
   reply.fUser[0] = event->fUser[0];     // requestor
   reply.fUser[1] = event->fUser[1];     // selection
   reply.fUser[2] = event->fUser[2];     // target
   reply.fUser[3] = event->fUser[3];     // property

   targets[0] = gVirtualX->InternAtom("TARGETS", kFALSE);
   targets[1] = gVirtualX->InternAtom("XA_STRING", kFALSE);

   if ((Atom_t)event->fUser[2] == targets[0]) {
      type = gVirtualX->InternAtom("XA_ATOM", kFALSE);
      gVirtualX->ChangeProperty((Window_t) event->fUser[0], (Atom_t) event->fUser[3],
                                type, (UChar_t*) targets, (Int_t) 2);

      gVirtualX->SendEvent((Window_t)event->fUser[0], &reply);
      return kTRUE;

   len = 0;
   if (fgClipboardText) len = fgClipboardText->Length();
   buffer = new char[len+1];
   if (fgClipboardText) strcpy (buffer, fgClipboardText->Data());
   buffer[len] = '\0';

   gVirtualX->ChangeProperty((Window_t) event->fUser[0], (Atom_t) event->fUser[3],
                             (Atom_t) event->fUser[2], (UChar_t*) buffer,
                             (Int_t) len);
   delete [] buffer;

   gVirtualX->SendEvent((Window_t)event->fUser[0], &reply);

   return kTRUE;

void TGTextEntry::PastePrimary(Window_t wid, Atom_t property, Bool_t del)
   // Paste text from selection (either primary or cut buffer) into
   // text entry widget.

   TString data;
   Int_t   nchar;

   if (!IsEnabled()) return;

   gVirtualX->GetPasteBuffer(wid, property, data, nchar, del);

   if (nchar) Insert(data.Data());

Bool_t TGTextEntry::HandleTimer(TTimer *)
   // Handle cursor blink timer.

   fCursorOn = !fCursorOn;
   return kTRUE;

Bool_t TGTextEntry::IsCursorOutOfFrame()
   // Returns kTRUE if cursor is out of frame.

   //   fCursorX = fOffset + 4 + gVirtualX->TextWidth(fFontStruct,
   //                                  GetDisplayText(), fCursorIX);

   Int_t offset =  IsFrameDrawn() ? 4 : 0;
   Int_t w = GetWidth();
   return ((fCursorX < offset) || (fCursorX > w-offset));

void TGTextEntry::ScrollByChar()
   // Shift position of cursor by one character.

   if (GetEchoMode() == kNoEcho) return;

   TString dt = GetDisplayText();
   Int_t len = dt.Length();
   Int_t ind = fCursorIX < len-1 ? fCursorIX : len-1;
   Int_t charWidth = gVirtualX->TextWidth(fFontStruct, &dt[ind],1);
   Int_t w = GetWidth();
   Int_t d;
   Int_t offset =  IsFrameDrawn() ? 4 : 0;

   if (fCursorX < offset) {
      fOffset += charWidth;
      fCursorX += charWidth;
      d = fCursorX;

      if (d < offset){          // correction
         d -= offset;
         fOffset -= d;
         fCursorX -= d;
         charWidth += d;
   } else if (fCursorX > w-offset) {
      fOffset -= charWidth;
      fCursorX -= charWidth;
      d = w - fCursorX;

      if (d < offset) {        // correction
         d -= offset;
         fOffset += d;
         fCursorX += d;
         charWidth += d;

void TGTextEntry::UpdateOffset()
   // Updates start text offset according GetAlignment() mode,
   // if cursor is out of frame => scroll the text.
   // See also SetAlignment() and ScrollByChar().

   TString dt = GetDisplayText();
   Int_t textWidth = gVirtualX->TextWidth(fFontStruct, dt.Data() , dt.Length());
   Int_t offset = IsFrameDrawn() ? 4 : 0;
   Int_t w = GetWidth() - 2 * offset;   // subtract border twice

   if (textWidth > w) {                          // may need to scroll.
      if (IsCursorOutOfFrame()) ScrollByChar();
   else if (fAlignment == kTextRight)   fOffset = w - textWidth - 1;
   else if (fAlignment == kTextCenterX) fOffset = (w - textWidth)/2;
   else if (fAlignment == kTextLeft)    fOffset = 0;

void TGTextEntry::SetToolTipText(const char *text, Long_t delayms)
   // Set tool tip text associated with this text entry. The delay is in
   // milliseconds (minimum 250). To remove tool tip call method with
   // text = 0.

   if (fTip) {
      delete fTip;
      fTip = 0;

   if (text && strlen(text))
      fTip = new TGToolTip(fClient->GetDefaultRoot(), this, text, delayms);

void TGTextEntry::SetFocus()
   // Set focus to this text entry.

   if (gBlinkingEntry && (gBlinkingEntry != this)) {

void TGTextEntry::InsertText(const char *text, Int_t pos)
   // Inserts text at position pos, clears the selection and moves
   // the cursor to the end of the line.
   // If necessary the text is truncated to fit MaxLength().
   // See also GetText(), SetText(), AppendText(), RemoveText().

   Int_t position = TMath::Min((Int_t)fText->GetTextLength(), pos);
   TString newText(GetText());
   newText.Insert(position, text);

void TGTextEntry::AppendText(const char *text)
   // Appends text to the end of text entry, clears the selection
   // and moves the cursor to the end of the line.
   // If necessary the text is truncated to fit MaxLength().
   // See also GetText(), InsertText(), SetText(), RemoveText().

   InsertText(text, fText->GetTextLength());

void TGTextEntry::RemoveText(Int_t start, Int_t end)
   // Removes text at the range, clears the selection and moves
   // the cursor to the end of the line.
   // See also GetText(), InsertText(), SetText(), AppendText().

   Int_t pos = TMath::Min(start, end);
   Int_t len = TMath::Abs(end-start);
   TString newText(GetText());
   newText.Remove(pos, len);

void TGTextEntry::SetFont(FontStruct_t font, Bool_t local)
   // Changes text font.
   // If local is kTRUE font is changed locally.

   if (font == fFontStruct) return;

   FontH_t v = gVirtualX->GetFontHandle(font);

   if (!v) return;

   if (local) {
      TGGC *gc = new TGGC(fNormGC); // copy
      fHasOwnFont = kTRUE;
      fNormGC = *gc;
      gc = new TGGC(fSelGC); // copy
      fSelGC = *gc;
   fFontStruct = font;

void TGTextEntry::SetFont(const char *fontName, Bool_t local)
   // Changes text font specified by name.
   // If local is kTRUE font is changed locally.

   TGFont *font = fClient->GetFont(fontName);
   if (font) {
      SetFont(font->GetFontStruct(), local);

void TGTextEntry::SetFont(TGFont *font, Bool_t local)
   // Changes text font specified by pointer to TGFont object.
   // If local is kTRUE font is changed locally.

   if (font) {
      SetFont(font->GetFontStruct(), local);

void TGTextEntry::SetTextColor(Pixel_t color, Bool_t local)
   // Changes text color.
   // If local is true color is changed locally.

   if (local) {
      TGGC *gc = new TGGC(fNormGC); // copy
      fHasOwnFont = kTRUE;
      fNormGC = *gc;


void TGTextEntry::SetTextColor(TColor *color, Bool_t local)
   // Changes text color.
   // If local is true color is changed locally.

   if (color) {
      SetTextColor(color->GetPixel(), local);

FontStruct_t TGTextEntry::GetDefaultFontStruct()
   // Return default font structure in use.

   if (!fgDefaultFont)
      fgDefaultFont = gClient->GetResourcePool()->GetDefaultFont();
   return fgDefaultFont->GetFontStruct();

const TGGC &TGTextEntry::GetDefaultGC()
   // Return default graphics context.

   if (!fgDefaultGC)
      fgDefaultGC = gClient->GetResourcePool()->GetFrameGC();
   return *fgDefaultGC;

const TGGC &TGTextEntry::GetDefaultSelectedGC()
   // Return selection graphics context.

   if (!fgDefaultSelectedGC)
      fgDefaultSelectedGC = gClient->GetResourcePool()->GetSelectedGC();
   return *fgDefaultSelectedGC;

const TGGC &TGTextEntry::GetDefaultSelectedBackgroundGC()
   // Return graphics context for highlighted frame background.

   if (!fgDefaultSelectedBackgroundGC)
      fgDefaultSelectedBackgroundGC = gClient->GetResourcePool()->GetSelectedBckgndGC();
   return *fgDefaultSelectedBackgroundGC;

void TGTextEntry::SavePrimitive(ostream &out, Option_t *option /*= ""*/)
   // Save a text entry widget as a C++ statement(s) on output stream out.

   char quote = '"';

   // font + GC
   option = GetName()+5;         // unique digit id of the name
   char parGC[50], parFont[50];

   if ((GetDefaultFontStruct() != fFontStruct) || (GetDefaultGC()() != fNormGC.GetGC())) {
      TGFont *ufont = gClient->GetResourcePool()->GetFontPool()->FindFont(fFontStruct);
      if (ufont) {
         ufont->SavePrimitive(out, option);

      TGGC *userGC = gClient->GetResourcePool()->GetGCPool()->FindGC(fNormGC.GetGC());
      if (userGC) {
         userGC->SavePrimitive(out, option);

   if (fBackground != GetWhitePixel()) SaveUserColor(out, option);

   out << "   TGTextEntry *";
   out << GetName() << " = new TGTextEntry(" << fParent->GetName()
       << ", new TGTextBuffer(" << GetBuffer()->GetBufferLength() << ")";

   if (fBackground == GetWhitePixel()) {
      if (GetOptions() == (kSunkenFrame | kDoubleBorder)) {
         if (fFontStruct == GetDefaultFontStruct()) {
            if (fNormGC() == GetDefaultGC()()) {
               if (fWidgetId == -1) {
                  out <<");" << endl;
               } else {
                  out << "," << fWidgetId << ");" << endl;
            } else {
               out << "," << fWidgetId << "," << parGC << ");" << endl;
         } else {
            out << "," << fWidgetId << "," << parGC << "," << parFont
                <<");" << endl;
      } else {
         out << "," << fWidgetId << "," << parGC << "," << parFont
             << "," << GetOptionString() << ");" << endl;
   } else {
      out << "," << fWidgetId << "," << parGC << "," << parFont
          << "," << GetOptionString() << ",ucolor);" << endl;

   out << "   " << GetName() << "->SetMaxLength(" << GetMaxLength() << ");" << endl;

   out << "   " << GetName() << "->SetAlignment(";

   if (fAlignment == kTextLeft)
      out << "kTextLeft);"    << endl;

   if (fAlignment == kTextRight)
      out << "kTextRight);"   << endl;

   if (fAlignment == kTextCenterX)
      out << "kTextCenterX);" << endl;

   out << "   " << GetName() << "->SetText(" << quote << GetText() << quote
       << ");" << endl;

   out << "   " << GetName() << "->Resize("<< GetWidth() << "," << GetName()
       << "->GetDefaultHeight());" << endl;

   if (fTip) {
      TString tiptext = fTip->GetText()->GetString();
      tiptext.ReplaceAll("\n", "\\n");
      out << "   ";
      out << GetName() << "->SetToolTipText(" << quote
          << tiptext << quote << ");"  << endl;

Last change: Wed Jun 25 08:43:14 2008
Last generated: 2008-06-25 08:43

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