draw geometry after normal object problem

From: Rutger van der Eijk (r36@nikhef.nl)
Date: Fri Mar 24 2000 - 20:16:26 MET


After drawing a TGeometry/TNode on a pad the DistanceToPrimitive member of
objects already present on the pad seem not be called. This clearly gives

To easily see that this happens try the following on the root tutorials:

root [0] .x tornado.C 

turn on the 'Event Status'

Moving with the move over the tornade tells you TPolyMarker3D
(the tornado) is close (I.e. it's DistanceToPrimitive is called). Now do
the following:

root [1] nageom = new TFile("na49.root");
root [2] TGeometry *n49 =(TGeometry*)gROOT->FindObject("na49");
root [3]  n49->SetBomb(1.2);
root [4] n49->Draw("SAME");

If you move over the na49 geometry the nodes are selected. But if you move
over the tornado it is never selected. If you would put a print statement
in the DistanceToPrimitive of TPolyMarker3D you will see it is never 
called (It appreared to my own class).

Why does this happen? It is a bug or a feature. In both cases I would like
to know how circumvent it. (First drawing the geometry is not really an
option for me.)


Rutger van der Eijk

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