[ROOT] TGList..

From: Patrick Dupre LCMI (pdupre@labs.polycnrs-gre.fr)
Date: Fri Apr 07 2000 - 04:21:20 MEST


With a TGListBox, we can only AddEntry with are Strings, TGListView is
very nice for listing the Directories. Is there any class what we could
use for displaying TGCompositeFrame for example (like Strings in
TGListBox, ot like files in TGListView) ?


   Patrick DUPRE                |   |   Tel:  (33 4) 76-88-78-51
   CNRS/LCMI (GHMFL)            |   |   Fax:  (33 4) 76-85-56-10
   25 Rue des Martyrs, BP 166   |   |   http://eschyle.polycnrs-gre.fr
   F-38042 GRENOBLE Cedex 09    |   |   email: pdupre@polycnrs-gre.fr

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