[ROOT] Dwo questions on TLatex

From: Patois Yannick (patois@ganil.fr)
Date: Fri Aug 25 2000 - 17:09:09 MEST


I've got two problem with TLatex: 

When I try to draw the string "^{4}He", the '4' is at the same level as
the rest of the text, only printed smaller.

I couldnt find any equivalent to the DrawTextNDC function, (as TLatex is
a subclass of TText, it works, but doesnt 'latexify' the string). What
should I do if I want to locate a TLatext object on top of an histogram
in NDC coordinates ?

BTW, I dont understand much of this 'NDC' coordinates vs the Histogram
coordinates, sometimes one access it with 'ndc' as an option passed as
text, sometime there is a specific function, and sometimes it seems not
to be possible.

Could it be possible to have some unification of this behavior ?
Like a object->SetNDCoordinates() true/false. And then any attempt to
read or write the position of the objet will be interpreted according to
the state of this flag.


 _/ Yannick Patois _________________ Address (home) __________________
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