Re: [ROOT] THelix

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Fri Dec 08 2000 - 16:57:21 MET

Dear Pasha,

I have unfortunatly lost contact with the original author of THelix.
I do not see anything wrong in adding your proposed functions. I agree
with all your points. Can I assume that you modify THelix accordingly ?

Rene Brun

Pasha Murat (630)840-8237@169G wrote:
> Dear Rooters, Ping,
> I tried to start using a THelix class, and immediately realized that it
> lacks significant part of functionality one normally needs from class,
> representing a particle's trajectory. Here is a brief list of what seems
> to be missing:
> 1. user-friendly constructors, like
>    - constructor taking x,y,z (coordinates of the point), nx,ny,nz (direction
>      cosines in this point), radius (may be signed)
>    - constructor, taking the coordinates, direction, vector of magnetic field
>      and charge
> 2. accessors, which would allow to extrapolate particle trajectory into a
>    certain point, using helical model, such as
>    THelix::GetPositionAtGivenS (where s is a path length alogn the trajectory)
>    THelix::GetPositionAtGivenRadius
>    THelix::GetPositionAtGivenZ
>    THelix::GetDirectionAtGivenRadius
>    etc (in a rather common case when magnetic field is directed, say, along
>    Z-axis, one might want to have a whole bunch of such functions).
> As THelix class was contributed by Ping a while ago and there was no development
> of it during the last months, I'm wondering what the right way of adding the missing
> functionality to it would be? - I'd guess that everybody would benefit if this class
> was extended and made more user-friendly.
>                                                 best, Pasha

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