[ROOT] reduction

From: K. Hauschild (karlhaus@hep.saclay.cea.fr)
Date: Wed Jan 16 2002 - 18:07:57 MET

Hi All,

I want to make my root Data files smaller : here is what I do, but I would like
to know if the is a more space efficient way of storing the data.

I have the following class to store/access data for a particular detector type.

//Class for CsI Detectors
class DetectorCsI : public TObject {
  UShort_t    fId;       //Detector Id
  UShort_t    fPId;      //Detector Particle Id
  UShort_t    fChan;     //Detector chan 
  UShort_t    fTac;      //Detector TAC
  DetectorCsI()  {;}
  DetectorCsI(UShort_t id, UShort_t pid, UShort_t chan, UShort_t tac);
  virtual ~DetectorCsI() {;}
  //setters and getters
  inline UShort_t GetId()    {return fId;  }
  inline UShort_t GetPId()   {return fPId; }
  inline UShort_t GetChan()  {return fChan;}
  inline UShort_t GetTac()   {return fTac; }
  ClassDef (DetectorCsI,1)  //CsI Detector class

In an event there are a variable number of CsI detectors hit, so I
use TClonesArrays, eg :

  // Create a Data object for the Orsay experiment
  //class static variable are 0 for first time call
  if (fgGes == 0)
    fgGes    = new TClonesArray("DetectorGe", N_GE);     //Ge/BGO data array
  if (fgSaphir == 0)
    fgSaphir = new TClonesArray("Detector", N_SAPHIR);   //array for Saphir
  if (fgCsIs == 0)
    fgCsIs   = new TClonesArray("DetectorCsI",N_DIAMANT);//array for CsI

  fGes    = fgGes;
  fSaphir = fgSaphir;
  fCsIs   = fgCsIs;
  fSumBus1 = fSumBus2 = 0;
  fNGe     = fNCsI    = fNSaphir    = 0;

(I have similar TClonesArrays for the Ge/BGO and Saphir data.)

The event saved to a tree is given by :

// Class to store/extract processed data
class OrsayData : public TObject{
  UChar_t      fSumBus1;        //Saphir Trigger
  UChar_t      fSumBus2;        //Ge/BGO Trigger

  int           fNGe;            //! HPGe multiplicity : this info is stored in
  int           fNBGO;           //! BGO  multiplicity : the TClonesArray below
  int           fNCsI;           //! CsI  multiplicity : so not wirtten to file
  int           fNSaphir;        //! Saphir multiplicity
  TClonesArray *fGes;            // Ge  Data
  TClonesArray *fSaphir;         // Saphir Data
  TClonesArray *fCsIs;           // CsI Data
  static TClonesArray *fgGes;    // these are used for
  static TClonesArray *fgSaphir; // of TClonesArray
  static TClonesArray *fgCsIs;   // of TClonesArray
  virtual ~OrsayData();
  void        Clear(Option_t *option = "");
  static void Reset(Option_t *option = "");
  void SetSumBus1(int SumBus1) {fSumBus1 = SumBus1;}
  void SetSumBus2(int SumBus2) {fSumBus2 = SumBus2;}

  void AddGe(     UShort_t id, UShort_t chan, UShort_t tac,
		  UShort_t bgo_chan, UShort_t bgo_tac);
  void AddSaphir( UShort_t id, UShort_t chan, UShort_t tac);
  void AddCsI(    UShort_t id, UShort_t chan, UShort_t tac, UShort_t pid);
  //getters : processed data
  inline int  GetSumBus1()    { return fSumBus1; }
  inline int  GetSumBus2()    { return fSumBus2; }
  inline int  GetNGe()        { return fNGe;     }
  inline int  GetNBGO()       { return fNBGO;    }
  inline int  GetNCsI()       { return fNCsI;    }
  inline int  GetNSaphir()    { return fNSaphir; }
  TClonesArray   *GetGes()    const {return fGes;}
  TClonesArray   *GetSaphir() const {return fSaphir;}
  TClonesArray   *GetCsIs()   const {return fCsIs;}
  ClassDef (OrsayData,1)  //Orsay Data class

Using ->Print() on my TTree I have :

*Br   10 :fCsIs     : fCsIs_                                                 *
*Entries : 48523408 : Total  Size=  388477911 bytes  File Size  =  113153367 *
*Baskets :     4551 : Basket Size=     128000 bytes  Compression=   3.43     *
*Br   11 :fCsIs.fId : fId[fCsIs_]                                            *
*Entries : 48523408 : Total  Size=  205360612 bytes  File Size  =   17502009 *
*Baskets :     3120 : Basket Size=     128000 bytes  Compression=  11.73     *
*Br   12 :fCsIs.fPId : fPId[fCsIs_]                                          *
*Entries : 48523408 : Total  Size=  205360396 bytes  File Size  =   20880526 *
*Baskets :     3120 : Basket Size=     128000 bytes  Compression=   9.84     *
*Br   13 :fCsIs.fChan : fChan[fCsIs_]                                        *
*Entries : 48523408 : Total  Size=  205363516 bytes  File Size  =   21180885 *
*Baskets :     3120 : Basket Size=     128000 bytes  Compression=   9.70     *
*Br   14 :fCsIs.fTac : fTac[fCsIs_]                                          *
*Entries : 48523408 : Total  Size=  205360396 bytes  File Size  =   20198629 *
*Baskets :     3120 : Basket Size=     128000 bytes  Compression=  10.17     *

So, in this case "fCsIs_" is a large overhead. I presume this is where
the number of CsI elements hit is stored per event entry. From the numbers
above it would seem this is 8 bytes per event entry. In my particular
case this need only be 8 bits since I have less than 255 CsI detectors.
Why is the overhead needed by ROOT so large ?. Is there any way to define
the size of "fCsIs_" ?

Or, am I barking up the wrong tree and there is a more space
efficient way of handling this ?

Many thanks,



CEA Saclay, DAPNIA/SPhN                Phone  : (33) 01 69 08 7553
Bat 703 - l'Orme des Merisiers         Fax    : (33) 01 69 08 7584
F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette                 E-mail :  khauschild@cea.fr
France                                           karl_hauschild@yahoo.co.uk
                                       WWW: http://www-dapnia.cea.fr/Sphn

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