Re[2]: [ROOT] Shared file

From: Yuriy Prokazov (
Date: Thu Feb 14 2002 - 15:51:10 MET

Dear Rene,
thank you very much for your help. Your samples work perfectly. I
found an interesting bug/feature of the rootd server. If I change
in your samples TFile to TNetFile and file to
where server the name of the computer with the running rootd. Write
part works perfectly, but the read part says:
"Error in <TNetFile::TNetFile> file already opened in write mode".

When I use mounted path via nfs everything is OK. Is it possible to
use rootd in a DAQ/Viewer way how it's shown in your examples?

Best regards, Yuriy.

RB> You will find below two small scripts treew.C and treer.C
RB> Run treew.C in a Root session. This will update the file at regular
RB> intervals.
RB> In a separate Root session, run treer.C. This will update an histogram
RB> reading fresh data only. 

RB> You can combine this example with the new producer/consumer example
RB> in $ROOTSYS/tutorials/spyserv.C and spy.C  (version 3.03 only in CVS)

RB> void treew() {
RB>   TFile f("junk.root","recreate");
RB>   TNtuple *ntuple = new TNtuple("ntuple","Demo ntuple","px:py:pz:random:i");
RB>   Float_t px, py, pz;
RB>   for ( Int_t i=0; i<1000000; i++) {
RB>      gRandom->Rannor(px,py);
RB>      pz = px*px + py*py;
RB>      Float_t random = gRandom->Rndm(1);
RB>      ntuple->Fill(px,py,pz,random,i);
RB>      if (i%1000 == 1) {
RB>         ntuple->AutoSave();
RB>         f.SaveSelf();
RB>      }
RB>   }
RB> }

RB> void treer() {
RB>    TFile f("junk.root");
RB>    TCanvas c1;
RB>    Int_t first = 0;
RB>    while(1) {
RB>       f.ReadKeys();
RB>       TTree *ntuple = (TTree*)f.Get("ntuple");
RB>       if (first == 0) ntuple->Draw("px>>hpx","","",10000000,first);
RB>       else            ntuple->Draw("px>>+hpx","","",10000000,first);
RB>       first = (Int_t)ntuple->GetEntries();
RB>       delete ntuple;
RB>       c1.Update();
RB>       gSystem->Sleep(1000); //sleep 1 second
RB>    }
RB> }
RB> Rene Brun

RB> Yuriy Prokazov wrote:
>> Dear ROOTers,
>> I'd like to make work 2 independent processes where one of them
>> writes information into the file and other reads it. If it is
>> possible I would like to use TNetFile (if these processes are
>> running on a different computers) or via TFile if (they are in
>> the single box). I faced with following problem: from the WRITE
>> process I create file using TFile and create TTree object with
>> the single branch of a simple type. Every second WRITE process
>> fills the branch and saves some amount of data. In the READ
>> part I open the file using TFile::Open().
>> The problem is that in the READ call tree->GetEntries() always
>> returns the same number. From the ROOT source code it is
>> obviosly clear that it could return only the one value that have
>> been saved during initialization.
>> But the same time file->GetFileSize() show that the file is
>> growing.
>> Is there any way how to make independed reading/writing and say
>> to READ process that the file was changed and it is required to
>> read new data?
>> Thank you.
>> Best regards,
>> Yuriy.

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