[ROOT] Delimiters in TLatex

From: Thomas Kluge (kluget@mail.desy.de)
Date: Tue Feb 19 2002 - 14:55:58 MET

Hi Rooters,

the class description of TLatex tells me, that there a 4 kinds of 

** Delimiters
   You can produce 4 kinds of proportional delimiters.
   #[]{....} or "a la" Latex #left[.....#right] : big square brackets
   #{}{....} or              #left{.....#right} : big curly brackets
   #||{....} or              #left|.....#right| : big absolute value symbol
   #(){....} or              #left(.....#right) : big parenthesis

everything except the big parantheses works.

#(){....} or              #left(.....#right)

produces whitespace for me.

root [32] TLatex lat(0.5,0.5,"abcd#left(#gamma#right)");
root [33] lat.Draw()

The symbols are missing on the ROOT screen
and in the postscript file. ROOT version is 3.02/07 on  i386_linux24 or 

Best regards,


Thomas Kluge                  Telephon:   +49(40)8998-4551
DESY, 1d33                    Telefax:    +49(40)8998-4385
Notkestr. 85                  GSM:        +49(179)2243365
D-22607 Hamburg ------------- e-mail:     thomas.kluge@desy.de ---

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