[ROOT] TTree, TFile and directories

From: Volker Hejny (V.Hejny@fz-juelich.de)
Date: Mon Feb 25 2002 - 16:36:32 MET

Hi all,

I'd just fought against some strange error in one of our
applications. The sympton was, that a tree->Draw() command
only gave an segmentation fault. On further investigation I
found, that when opening the file, root complained about
the missing dictionary only for the data classes, but not
for the underlying base classes as it was before. Then,
when reconstructing the streamer info of the data class,
the segfault happened.

The reason for this was the following: After creation of the
tree there was (for some other reason) a directory->cd() to 
another place. Then the branches have been created and so on. 
After removing this command browsing the tree did work again.

Since after creating the tree, the tree was only used by its
pointer, so I didn't expect that the current directory has to
the file at some point. For what action on trees it has to
be necessary to be in the file directory?

I use the current cvs version (Saturday).

Best regards,

P.S.: Using the subject 'trees, branches and the current directory'
      I got the error 'we do not accept advertising' from your
      mailserver ...

Dr. Volker Hejny                Tel: 02461/616853                      ** 
Institut f. Kernphysik          Fax: 02461/613930                     **
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Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, D-52425 Juelich                    **

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