Re: [ROOT] Question about Tree

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Tue Mar 05 2002 - 04:49:44 MET


Why do you want to use TTree::MakeClass if you have access to your
original class ?
If the original Tree was produced with something like:
   MyClass *obj = new MyClass();

in your program reading the Tree, simply do:
  MyClass *obj = 0;
  TTree *tree = (TTree*)myfile->Get("tree");

About your second question:
Create a TChain with the list of all Tree files you want to merge, open a
new file and use TTree::CopyTree

TChain chain("T");  //assuming "T" is the name of your Tree
TFile *f = new TFile("merge.root","recreate");
TTree *newT = chain.CopyTree("some selection");

Rene Brun

On Mon, 4 Mar 2002, Jiangyoung Jia wrote:

> Hello root expert,
> I have two problems that you might help.
> Let's say I have a class as following:
> class myclass:public TObject{
> float x,y,z;
> }
> if I store the class object via TClonesArray in a tree at split level 2,
> when I use MakeClass functions, individual variables x,y,z will appear in
> the code. But I really want to have only the pointer to the class in the
> code. I know this can be done if I save the object at split level <0, but
> since in PHENIX a lot of DSTs have been produced with split level 2. My
> question is : Is it possible to convert a Tree produced at split level >0
> to a tree with split level<0, so the source code produced by MakeClass
> will only contains pointers to the TObject instead of pointers to the
> individual varibles of the class?? This will be a very nice feature of
> Tree!
> My second question is that Is it possible to merge severl Ntuples together
> with some cut applied? I search through root digest and can't find any
> solution. This will be very nice because it can shink Ntuple size by huge
> factor.
> Thanks,
> Jiangyong

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