[ROOT] aceess to array elements from TObject

From: Elena Vataga (vataga@fnal.gov)
Date: Wed Apr 17 2002 - 14:22:35 MEST

	Hello rooters!

I used the following arrays in my TObject:

class TCMXmuon: public TObject {

//  data members
  TLorentzVector  lvec;

  Int_t           DetCode;     // (1)CMU (2)CMP (3)CMU+CMP (4)CMX (5)BMU

  Int_t           nt0;          // number of  inner times

  Int_t*          mT0;          //[nt0]  Mean Time in inner layer
  Int_t*          C0;           //[nt0]  Counter in inner layer
  Float_t*        T0;           //[nt0]   Time in inner layer

  Int_t           nt1;          // number of  outer times
  Float_t*        T1;           //[nt1]   Time in outer layer

My question is: how can I access first, second etc member of
my array variables (T0[0], T0[1] etc) inside root - they look like flat
numbers and not array?

*Br   70 :MUO.nt0   : nt0[MUO_]                                              *
*Entries :     4971 : Total  Size=      47305 bytes  File Size  =      12009 *
*Baskets :        1 : Basket Size=      64000 bytes  Compression=   3.94     *
*Br   71 :MUO.nt1   : nt1[MUO_]                                              *
*Entries :     4971 : Total  Size=      47305 bytes  File Size  =      11753 *
*Baskets :        1 : Basket Size=      64000 bytes  Compression=   4.02     *
*Br   72 :MUO.mT0   : mT0[MUO_]                                              *
*Entries :     4971 : Total  Size=      49127 bytes  File Size  =      13721 *
*Baskets :        1 : Basket Size=      64000 bytes  Compression=   3.58     *
*Br   73 :MUO.mT1   : mT1[MUO_]                                              *
*Entries :     4971 : Total  Size=      48567 bytes  File Size  =      13918 *
*Baskets :        1 : Basket Size=      64000 bytes  Compression=   3.49     *
*Br   74 :MUO.C0    : C0[MUO_]                                               *
*Entries :     4971 : Total  Size=      49126 bytes  File Size  =      18567 *
*Baskets :        1 : Basket Size=      64000 bytes  Compression=   2.65     *

I tried to MakeClass from my tree and I am getting in the header:
   Int_t           MUO_nt0[kMaxMUO];   //[MUO_]
   Int_t           MUO_nt1[kMaxMUO];   //[MUO_]
   Int_t           MUO_mT0[kMaxMUO];   //[MUO_]
   Int_t           MUO_mT1[kMaxMUO];   //[MUO_]
   Int_t           MUO_C0[kMaxMUO];   //[MUO_]
   Int_t           MUO_C1[kMaxMUO];   //[MUO_]
   Float_t         MUO_T0[kMaxMUO];   //[MUO_]
   Float_t         MUO_T1[kMaxMUO];   //[MUO_]

so it is not an array?

	Will be most grateful for any advice,

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