[ROOT] Problem with TF1

From: Takefumi SORA (tak-sora@bg7.so-net.ne.jp)
Date: Tue Aug 13 2002 - 01:35:02 MEST


I want to fit "Leaf" and get its parameter.
This is my program.

  TFile *f = new TFile("381run.root");
  TTree *tree = (TTree*)f.Get("tree");
  TF1 *fit0 = tree->Fit("gaus","leaf");
  Double_t pedestal0 = fit0->GetParameter(1);
  cout << pedestal0 << endl;

Executing it, returned the error message.
Error: Incorrect assignment to fit0, wrong type 'Int_t'

How can I avoid the trouble ?

Takefumi SORA <tak-sora@bg7.so-net.ne.jp>

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