[ROOT] problem with MakeClass()

From: Perfetto Francesco (Francesco.Perfetto@na.infn.it)
Date: Fri Sep 20 2002 - 19:51:18 MEST

Hi Rooters,
I have a problem with a MakeClass().
I have do a chain of root files and to this chain I have applicate
MakeClass() method that crete me the two files analisi.C and analisi.h.
In the file analisi.C I have put my analisys program; this program recall
a function (that I have put out the function analisi::Loop() and is
important that it stay out) that use variables included in the chain,
the problem is that after load the program (.L analisi.C, analisi
mio),when use the loop function (mio.Loop() ) it say me :
root [0] .L ana_dali_mc.C
root [1] ana_dali_mc mio
root [2] mio.Loop(110)
Error: < Error: Symbol ntv is not defined in current scope
FILE:ana_dali_mc.C LINE:13
Error: Binary operator oprand missing FILE:ana_dali_mc.C LINE:13
*** Interpreter error recovered ***
root [3]

Someone can tell me where i mistake ?

Double_t delta_egamma()
  const Double_t Mpich = 139.56995;

   for(Int_t i=0;i<ntv;i++) // ntv = numero tracce da un vertice.
       num_v = iv[i];       // iv[ntv] = indice di vertice.

#define ana_dali_mc_cxx
#include "ana_dali_mc.h"


void ana_dali_mc::Loop(Int_t howMany)
       taglio = delta_egamma();
        tmc ->Fill();


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