Re: [ROOT] Running root on Mac OSX

From: Remi Mommsen (
Date: Fri May 16 2003 - 19:47:00 MEST

Hi Peter,

On Friday, May 16, 2003, at 06:53 AM, Peter H Fisher wrote:

> Hi,
> I have followed all the instructions from the website and installed 
> root
> on my Mac G4 running 10.2.  When binding, I get two warnings:
> warniing prebinding disabled because depedent library:
> /Users/rdm/root/lib/libCore.dylib is not prebound

Prebinding is used in mac os x to speed up the start of programs. This 
is done by defining a fixed memory location where a given library will 
be loaded. In order for this to work you need at least to compile the 
libraries with a two-level namespace and keep track of all libraries 
potentially loaded with your system. When porting s/w to mac os x it is 
much easier to stay in a flat namespace which is standard on most 
(all?) other systems. In addition the address space management is not 
trivial. The fink developers ( ) are currently 
working on a solution to automate this process for s/w ported from 
other unixes.

For the time being we have to live with the fact that the starting of 
not prebound programs takes a bit longer than of prebound ones. 
Otherwise there is no difference.

> and
> warning dynamic shared library: 
> /Users/fisherps/Desktop/lib/libCint.dylib
> not made a weak library in output.

That's a minor bug in the dec developer tools. The long answer is here: . The short answer is: 
don't worry about them.

Hope that helps.


Q: How many kinds of physicists are there?
A: Three. Those who can count and those who can't.

Remigius K. Mommsen                 e-mail:
University of California, Irvine       URL:
c/o SLAC                             voice:        ++1 (650) 926-3595
2575 Sand Hill Road #35             mobile:        ++1 (650) 387-1402
Menlo Park, CA 94025, US               fax:        ++1 (650) 926-8522

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