Re: [ROOT] Histogram binning in the TreeViewer

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Thu Feb 05 2004 - 19:19:14 MET

Hi reiner,

Reiner Rohlfs wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a possibility to define the number of histogram bins (1 and 2
> dimensional) when you draw a histogram by clicking to a leaf or the draw button
> of the TreeViewer?

yes, see the help button of the TreeViewer. You can indicate the histo: name,
nbins, xmin, xmax  (version 3.10/02 or above)

> Unfavorable binning can show strange result for example if the input data are
> integer values in the range from 0 to 60 and there are 100 bins.

As I said earlier in a mail, if your Tree variable is integer, the bin width
will also be an integer. Change the type of the variable.
See also the doc of TTree::Draw to read how to specify a binning 
when calling TTree::Draw (or the Users Guide).

Rene Brun

> Thanks Reiner.

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