[ROOT] ROOT version 4.00/02: First development version now available

From: Rene Brun (Rene.Brun@cern.ch)
Date: Fri Feb 20 2004 - 16:00:18 MET

Dear Rooters,

Just before leaving for the ROOT2004 workshop at SLAC, we have the 
pleasure to announce the first development release of ROOT 4.00/02.
All  these developments will be discussed at the workshop.

Tar files for the source, documentation and binaries are available at:


The corresponding CVS tag is v4-00-02.

A quick summary of the new features in version 4

-support for large files above 2 GBytes

-automatic schema evolution for foreign classes

-Generic support for STL collections in the dictionary

-STL vector<T> behaves like a TClonesArray of T, including split mode)

-New data type Double32_t (double in memory, 32 bits in file)

-Consolidation of the PROOF classes.

-More features in the authentication system.

-New Linear Algebra package

-New class TRolke by Jan Conrad. This class computes confidence 
 intervals for the rate of a Poisson in the presence of background and 
 efficiency with a fully frequentist treatment of the uncertainties in 
 the efficiency and  background estimate using the profile likelihood 

-New Graphical Object Editor (optional). To activate the new editor,
 uncomment the line defining the TVirtualEditor in system.rootrc
 and use the definition with the new editor, as shown below:
  #Plugin.TVirtualPadEditor: Ged TPadEditorOld GedOld "TPadEditorOld()"
  Plugin.TVirtualPadEditor:  Ged TGedEditor Ged "TGedEditor(TCanvas*)"
 This new editor will soon become the default.

-generation of pdf files in addition to ps, eps, gif, etc

-New class TGraph2DErrors. More features in TGraph2D.

-Consolidation of win32gdk

For more details see the development notes.

The ROOT team

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