RE: [ROOT] Adding colored boxes on a canvas

From: Olivier Couet (
Date: Thu Mar 04 2004 - 17:55:59 MET

Hi Stelios,

 Does the following example answer your question ?

   TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "c1",14,28,700,500);
   TPad *newpad = new TPad("newpad", "newpad",0.2,0.3,0.8,0.7);                 
   TBox *box = new TBox(0.05,0.8,0.3,0.9);

 Cheers,     Olivier

> Hi,
>     I am having a canvas plot and I would like to add some
> colored boxes on the canvas but outside of the frame area.
>  If I do something like:
>        TBox bDTHC(1.1,1.5,1.6,1.45);
>     and the numbers on the constructor fall inside the frame area
> the box is displayed nicely.
>     How do I place the box outside of the frame area?
>     Thanks!
> Stelios.

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