[ROOT] Spline, tgraph and function fit

From: Kevin Reil (reil@slac.stanford.edu)
Date: Wed Mar 17 2004 - 07:14:38 MET

Hi all,

I've attached below a dialogue I had before about TSpline::Eval. The
method described has worked great.

However, I want to get a pointer to a TSpline (simple spline not TSpline3
or TSpline5).

If I have a graph (and assume it has some points filled x=0 to x=100)
and if I draw the graph telling it to connect the dots "L" I get a simple

TGraph *gr;

Is there in fact an object created so I could do something like.

TGraph *gr;
TSpline *s = (TSpline*)gROOT->FindObject("stemp");
// analagous to htemp from nt-Draw();

instead of

TGraph *gr;
TSpline3 *s = new TSpline3("grs",gr);



Hi Kevin,

You can use for example the TSpline class. Here is an example:
You can use TSpline::Eval to evaluate the spline at a point x.

   c1 = new TCanvas("c1","gerrors2",200,10,700,500);

      // draw a frame to define the range
   TH1F *hr = c1->DrawFrame(-0.4,0,1.2,12);
   hr->SetXTitle("X title");
   hr->SetYTitle("Y title");

      // create first graph
   Int_t n1 = 9;
   Double_t x1[]  = {-0.22, 0.05, 0.25, 0.35, 0.61,0.7,0.85,0.89,0.95};
   Double_t y1[]  = {1,2.9,5.6,7.4,9.6,8.7,6.3,4.5,2};
   Double_t ex1[] = {.05,.1,.07,.07,.05,.06,.07,.08,.05};
   Double_t ey1[] = {.8,.7,.6,.5,.4,.5,.6,.7,.8};
   gr1 = new TGraphErrors(n1,x1,y1,ex1,ey1);

     // use a cubic spline to smooth the graph
   TSpline3 *s = new TSpline3("grs",gr1);

See also class TGraphSmooth

Rene Brun

Kevin Reil wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering if it is possible to Eval a spline fit.
> TGraph *gr = new TGraph(100,*x, *y);
> gr->Draw("apl");
> The l has made a nice spline fit from x=0 to x=100 for example.
> Now, I want to get the value from the spline line at say x=53.2
> Something like:
> gr->FindObject("spline")->Eval(53.2);
> Thank you,
> Kevin
> -------------------------------------------
> - Kevin Reil                              -
> - #244A INSCC                             -
> - http://www.physics.utah.edu/~reil       -
> - reil@physics.utah.edu                   -
> -------------------------------------------
> - And my father dwelt in a tent.          -
> -------------------------------------------

| Kevin Reil                         | 2575 Sand Hill Road, MS 26      |
| X2447, 103D A&E Bldg. 041          | Menlo Park, CA 94025            |
| http://www.slac.stanford.edu/~reil | Office (650) 926-2447           |
| reil@slac.stanford.edu             | Home   (650) 938-1767           |
| http://reil.no-ip.org              | Fax    (650) 926-5368           |
|                    And my father dwelt in a tent.                    |

On Tue, 16 Mar 2004, Frank Winklmeier wrote:

>I get the following error message on using TChain::GetEntry()
>root [28] chain.GetEntry(1,0)  Error in <TBranch::GetBasket>: File:
>BBbar-41.root at byte:0, branch:event, entry:-1
>Can somebody explain me what this error means and where it originally
>comes from (it's not in TBranch::GetBasket)? How can I find out what's
>wrong with this root file?

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