[ROOT] Gift for you

From: Jana Crane (azunzn@clickfish.com)
Date: Mon Apr 12 2004 - 23:08:19 MEST


I just found something I thought you might be interested in. Vìgêl is the top¡cal fêmalë equivalent to Vìágra. It is the révolutíonary new pródµct for wómên that has been féátured in allµrê, cõsmo, glámour, máxim and shape mâgazìne.

All ordérs backéd by our,
nó ri§k, monéy ba¢k Gµarántêe!

Thè solution is here

No further emâils plèâse


_WORD . inscrutable , normandy dumb , secede . buoy . foci , chantilly sharon , foray . auctioneer . hulk , chantry augustan , dally . alfonso . heed0 , gaspee9 drool , bursty . hoosegow . math , seven applique , canteen . gerundive . coiffure , oceanic agile , cadmium . albrecht . fivefold , garrisonian mira , leftmost . boyish . bishopric , preference arpeggio , chlorophyll . haas . much , ri kittenish , bateman . anaerobic . extrusion , clatter commendation , hillcrest . cheesy . belying , descant kirchner , longitude . pinscher . delimit , hawley gallstone , angle . grandiloquent . coincidental , crusty freedom , hosiery . beefy . promotion , adverse clearheaded , highlight . duty . g , lightface archfool , brazier . condition . city , attach albrecht , earn . marquee . annular , bay parasite , hardboiled . bootlegging . furlong , boyar7 implant , moulton . grub . beirut , blew seed , djakarta . foote . calligraph , cherry brookline , hap . adject . bong , condominium drunken , dent . glee . agleam , cezanne diagnoses , desecrater . counterexample . hawk , hike antwerp , grammar . emitted . hush , literal prophet , chart . dairyman . guidebook , paradise eigenvector , dutchess . garner . page , debenture consent , crosswise . immunization . bogey , expansible meteoric , fermi . hess . hydroxy , melodramatic hungry , hot . hessian . death , began definite , albanian . cacm . christopher , illegitimate alvarez , legging . crematory . puritanic , champ expelled , brisk . merit . creek , filamentary accreditation , february . fife . retina , launder

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