Re: [ROOT] (no subject)

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Fri Jun 11 2004 - 13:42:54 MEST

An example below. Change the algorithm as you like for the color allocation.

Rene Brun

void barcols() {
   const Int_t nbins = 60;
   TH1F *h = new TH1F("h","test",nbins,-2,2);
   h->DrawCopy("a");  //draw only the axis
   Int_t bin = 1;
   Int_t color = 30;
   while (bin <nbins) {
      Int_t bin2 = bin + (Int_t)3*gRandom->Rndm();
      h->DrawCopy("bar2 same");
      bin = bin2+1;
      if (color >= 50) color=30;

Angela Re wrote:
> Good morning, I have a question : how can I fill with different colours
> the histogram's bars?
> Thank you. Angela Re.

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