Re: [ROOT] Problem with ROOT GUI: slot does not exist

From: Ilka Antcheva (
Date: Tue Jun 15 2004 - 13:53:28 MEST

Hi Viktor,

Do you generate a dictionary of your class? 
Your slot DoDraw() should be known to CINT.

Thank you, Ilka

Viktor S. Bobrovnikov wrote:

>I have a simple programm call:
>TGTextButton *draw = new TGTextButton(hframe, "&Draw");
>draw->Connect("Clicked()", "MyMainFrame",this, "DoDraw()");
>where function DoDraw() is:
>void MyMainFrame::DoDraw(){
>    TF1 *f1 = new TF1("f1", "sin(x)/x", 0, gRandom->Rndm()*10);
>    f1->SetFillColor(19);
>    f1->SetFillStyle(1);
>    f1->SetLineWidth(3);
>    f1->Draw();
>    TCanvas *fCanvas = fEcanvas->GetCanvas();
>    fCanvas->cd();
>    fCanvas->Update();
>Compiling and linking of this programm is sucesfull, but when i it runs
>and i try to press "draw" button by mouse, i see:
>Error in <TQObject::CheckConnectArgs>: slot DoDraw() does not exist.
>However when i run it interactive session it works propertly.
>My system: Linux - Red Hat 6.2 
>           root version - 3.03.09
>Thank you.
>Victor S.Bobrovnikov, BINP, Novosibirsk, Russia

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