Re: [ROOT] TTree problems, using same variable names in different structs.

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Thu Sep 09 2004 - 21:42:34 MEST

Hi Brett,


see doc of TTree::Bronch

      IMPORTANT NOTE about branch names
    In case two or more master branches contain subbranches with
    identical names, one must add a "." (dot) character at the end
    of the master branch name. This will force the name of the subbranch
    to be master.subbranch instead of simply subbranch.
    This situation happens when the top level object (say event)
    has two or more members referencing the same class.
    For example, if a Tree has two branches B1 and B2 corresponding
    to objects of the same class MyClass, one can do:
    if MyClass has 3 members a,b,c, the two instructions above will 
    subbranches called B1.a, B1.b ,B1.c, B2.a, B2.b, B2.c

Rene Brun

Sep 2004, Brett Viren 

> Hi,
> When I run the appended code like:
> shell> root -l test.C   # generates test.root
> root [0]
> Processing test.C...
> root [1] TFile f("test.root")
> root [2]
> TFile**         test.root
>  TFile*         test.root
>   KEY: TTree    tree;1  test tree
> root [3] tree->Draw("bbranch.a")
> <TCanvas::MakeDefCanvas>: created default TCanvas with name c1
> Instead of a histogram of "bbranch.a" which should be just one bin at
> zero, I get a histogram of "abranch.a" values.  Is it illegal to use
> the same variable names in different branches based on structs, or am
> I doing something else wrong?
> CVS root: 4.01/01 25 August 2004, GCC 3.3.3 on x86 Debian.
> Thanks,
> -Brett.
> //--------------
> // test.C
> void test ()
> {
>     struct A : public TObject { 
> 	int a,b,c; 
> 	A() { a=b=c=0; }
>     };
>     struct B : public TObject { 
> 	int a,b,c; 
> 	B() { a=b=c=0; }
>     };
>     TFile* file = new TFile("test.root","recreate");
>     TTree* tree = new TTree("tree", "test tree");
>     A* a = new A;
>     B* b = new B;
>     tree->Branch("abranch","A",&a);
>     tree->Branch("bbranch","B",&b);
>     for (int ind=0; ind<10; ++ind) {
> 	a->a = ind+1;
> 	a->b = 10*(ind+1);
> 	a->c = ind*(ind+1);
> 	b->a = 0;
> 	b->b = 0;
> 	b->c = 0;
> 	tree->Fill();
>     }
>     file->cd();
>     tree->Write();
>     file->Close();
> }

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