Re: [ROOT] Fit Option

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Tue Oct 12 2004 - 10:29:25 MEST


I do not understand any of your 3 questions. It look like you are confusing
the parameter p1 with what you call "P2"

Please send a concrete running piece of code illustrating your points.

Rene Brun

zaldy wrote:
> Dear Folks,
> I have already posted this stuff a fews ago in ROOTTalk but I still need
> to understand a few things. I also read the manual in TMinuit.
> I am doing the fitting and access the fitted parameters and errors
> using two fitting option:
>     (a) TH1D::Fit("f_name"); (b) TH1D::Fit("f_name","E");
> As a cross check I dumped a few parameter values and their errors.
> -----------a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a------------------------------------------
> This is the result for (a) TH1D::Fit("f_name");
> LINE FIT(Data)
>  Slope: 0.00162291 +/- 0.000605578  <====== P0
>  Int. : 0.644645 +/- 0.440121       <====== P1
> FCN=274.613 FROM MIGRAD    STATUS=CONVERGED    1185 CALLS        1186  TOTAL
> EDM=7.07449e-07    STRATEGY= 1  ERROR MATRIX   UNCERTAINTY     3.1 per  cent
>   EXT PARAMETER                                   STEP         FIRST
>   NO.   NAME      VALUE            ERROR          SIZE      DERIVATIVE
>    1  p0           6.44645e-01   4.40121e-01  -2.79232e-05   1.24430e-04
>    2  p1           1.62291e-03   6.05578e-04  -1.92359e-08   2.48881e-01
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-------------------------------------------
> This is the result for (b) TH1D::Fit("f_name","E");
> LINE FIT(Data)
> Slope: 0.00162291 +/- 0.000605869 <===== P0
> Int. : 0.644645   +/- 0.445796    <===== P2
> FCN=274.613 FROM MINOS     STATUS=SUCCESSFUL   6620 CALLS        8331 TOTAL
> EDM=4.59478e-07    STRATEGY= 1      ERROR MATRIX   ACCURATE
>   EXT PARAMETER                  PARABOLIC         MINOS ERRORS
>   NO.   NAME      VALUE            ERROR      NEGATIVE      POSITIVE
>    1  p0           6.44645e-01   4.45830e-01  -4.46699e-01   4.44894e-01
>    2  p1           1.62291e-03   6.05907e-04  -6.05686e-04   6.06052e-04
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> In (a) the errors are reflected there in the summary.
> In (b) the errors do not exactly match.
> I mean 0.000605869(for P1) is almost
> the same with 4.45830e-01 (if qouting the PARABOLIC), but not equal.
> As a cross check, it is good to know that the errors you dumped are near
> to the MINOS algorithm, but this could be confusing.
> I have 3 questions:
> (1) Since the TMinuit members are public, then I expect to have same
> values with the one printed in the summary below. Am I Correct?
> (2) Why is the dumped values not reflected in (b)?
> Or Is the method: f->GetParError(nth_param) not enough?
> In that case the user will still add few more lines(i.e., TMinuit *
> minuit = new TMinuit ......;  minuit->GetWhatIwant() ....)...I wanted to
> Know.
> (3) How do we qoute the errors in (b) when the dumped values are not
> reflected in the print out summary?
> The reason I use option (b) is because this gives a more reliable result.
> Thank you very much.
> Zaldy A. Nawang

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