TLeaf name and title

From: Vassili Maroussov <>
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 12:21:39 +0200

Dear ROOTers,

I'm wondering whether the TLeaf name always coincides with the TLeaf title by the ROOT design. In a case if not, how can I make them different? The purpose is to save some additional information about every TLeaf in the file.



P.S. Below is a macro which always shows the same name and title for every TLeaf.

//read.C scans a file and print out some leaf attributes for all trees
void read(const char *file = "hsimple.root") {


    TFile f(file);
    TList *li = f.GetListOfKeys();
    TKey *key;
    TObject *obj = 0;
    TClass *cl = 0;
    TTree *tree = 0;
    TIter next(li);

    while ((key = (TKey*)next())) {

        printf("name = %s;%d title = %s class = %s\n",
                 key->GetName(), key->GetCycle(),
             key->GetTitle(), key->GetClassName());
        cl = gROOT->GetClass(key->GetClassName());

        if (!cl) {
            printf("unknown class %s\n", key->GetClassName());

// the case of tree if (cl->InheritsFrom(TTree::Class())) { tree = (TTree*)key->ReadObj(); // read tree TIterator *iter = tree->GetIteratorOnAllLeaves(); while ((obj = (*iter)())) { printf("\t name = %s title = %s class = %s\n", obj->GetName(), obj->GetTitle(), obj->ClassName()); }

} Received on Fri Mar 31 2006 - 12:26:43 MEST

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