
From: Cedric Sodhi <manday_at_gmx.net>
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2010 09:31:51 +0200

I am having a hard time getting this to run here. I updated from v18 in my repos to v26 from source because I thought this would solve quite a bunch of issues I encountered when trying to run a set of routines which were meant to work.

If you are interested in trying this out you can find them packed here: http://accms04.physik.rwth-aachen.de/~praktapp/ -> "Neue ROOT Routinen" Direct link for download:
http://accms04.physik.rwth-aachen.de/~praktapp/root_new/ Author(s) as mentioned on page.

When I last tried with v18 I was quickly stopped by bugs because (see original thread at the end of this email) there were wrong directories in more than one header file, referencing /usr/lib rather than /usr/lib/root. I fixed that manually but then I ran into

Error: cannot open file "Math/SpecFuncMathMore.h" /home/manday/Programs/lib/raupach/praktlib.h:38:

which I accounted to my outdated version (although said routines originate already some time back).

Unfortunally, even after updating to v26 (version confirmed on startup) I keep getting the same error. Aforementioned file doesn't even appear to exist in roots include directory while a similar one named "SpecFuncMath*C*ore.h" does. I'm clueless.


Cedric Sodhi wrote:

> As for that original issue, it's still occuring even after I updated:
> Error: cannot open file "../lib/libMathCore.so" 
> /usr/include/root/Math/SpecFuncMathCore.h:32:
> *** Interpreter error recovered ***
> Can anyone confirm this so I can file a bug?
> Cedric Sodhi wrote:

>> Hello, after experiencing just the same error
>> (German:) http://debianforum.de/forum/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=118970
>> I wondered how readily ROOT gets updates in the variety of
>> repositories of Linux distributions. I know perfectly well that the
>> first source for getting just about any program should be the vendor
>> of the program ittself, but I also pretty much appreciate the
>> convenience of dedicated repositories and trouble-free installation.
>> Is there anyone at CERN who monitors regular updates in the
>> repositories (Ubuntu, it is for me)? Is there any reason for me to
>> hope that it will get an appropriate update anytime soon?

> Received on Tue Mar 30 2010 - 09:31:57 CEST

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