Re: Re: PyROOT + geometry

From: <>
Date: Mon, 23 May 2011 17:02:50 -0700


> The last line of the sample script, world.Draw(), should be replaced by
> world.Draw("ogl").

looks like a threading issue (in my case, the script freezes). I've seen this on and off and never been able to determine the exact cause:

My guess is that the openGL thread is not re-entrant.

Btw., as a f'up to the thread on exceptions: in order to raise user-defined C++ classes, I need to be able to mix the bound class with python's Exception class (or they won't be caught by "except Exception:" which would be a big nuisance). That'd be quite some work ...

Best regards,


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Received on Tue May 24 2011 - 02:03:00 CEST

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