Storage exhausted reading tree

From: David F. Nitz (
Date: Wed Dec 31 1997 - 20:53:08 MET

I've created an TTree containing 980 events, written to a TFile using
a batch program.  When I try to read the tree back using an interactive
program based on "Eventa", I get an error message after reading 184 
Entering TshowerEvent Destructor

Entering TShowrEvent::Clear()

Fatal in <operator new>: storage exhausted
Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class TWinNTSystem available
Warning in <TWinNTSystem::StackTrace>: this method must be overridden!

abnormal program termination

Following is the code I'm using to try to read the file:
// dump_test.cxx
//  Try to read back test root file and dump event information.
//  Based on "eventa".

//   Connect file generated by CvttoTree
   TFile f("i:/auger/white_top_3xx.root");
//   Read Tree named "T" in memory. Tree pointer is assigned the same name
   TTree *T = (TTree*)f.Get("AugerEventFile");
//   Create a timer object to benchmark this loop
   TStopwatch timer;
//   Start main loop on all events
   TShowerEvent *event = new TShowerEvent();
   T->SetBranchAddress("AugerEvent", &event);
   Int_t nevent = T->GetEntries();
   Int_t nb = 0;
   for (Int_t i=0;i<nevent;i++) {
      nb += T->GetEvent(i);                  //read complete event in memory
//      if (i < 3) event->Dump();              //dump the first 3 events
      event->Clear();                        //clear tracks array
//  Stop timer and print results

I'm running Root version 1.03/09 on a Windows 95 machine.  The file
seems to be ok when I use TBrowser to look at it.  Any ideas what I'm
missing here?

David F. Nitz (
Physics Department, University of Michigan
Tel: (734) 763-9696  Fax: (734) 936-6529

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