A lot of root files

From: Tadeusz Pytlos (pytlos@fizwe5.uni.lodz.pl)
Date: Sat Jan 31 1998 - 15:17:55 MET

Hello RootPeople,
At first best wishes for the ROOT team. I'm very happy to change PAW 
on ROOT, but in case each new system there are some new problems.
I've got a lot of root files (circe 160), which I converted from Hbook's 
ntuples. Everyone is the same and looks

root [0] f=new TFile("dst001.root")
(class TFile*)0x0
root [1] f.ls()
TFile**         dst001.root
 TFile*         dst001.root
  KEY: TTree    h10;1   

I would like to analyse about 150 files together, but I couldn't
find anywhere corresponding example.
I tried to read it in this way

   TChain bas("h10");
but I received the error:

Error in <TChain::Add>: Too many chain elements
Error in <TChain::Add>: Too many chain elements
Error in <TChain::Add>: Too many chain elements

and created histogram only for partly data.
Everthing is good if I take less root files. But I prefer to have
everything in one macro, so in that case I wanted to divide root 
files in chains,because in the TChain.Add description there is
"An element can be the name of another chain or the name of a file
containing a tree".

   TChain bas("h10");
   TChain bas1("h10");
   TChain bas2("h10");

But it doesnt work because root require .root extension
and looks for files, not for chains.
Would you help me to solve this problem?
I've also problem with how to limit histrogram in the direction of
y axis (something like 'max 1 1000' in PAW).
Thank you in advance
            Tadeusz Pytlos  
Tadeusz Pytlos
Lodz, Poland

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