TObject with ariable size aray.

From: Alexander Zvyagin (
Date: Mon Feb 02 1998 - 04:12:38 MET

                                           IHEP, Protvino, Russia,  2-FEB-1998

I'd like to create TTree of EVENTs in a root-file.
Each EVENT should has subobject of variable size array of basic type
(Short_t, for example). Something like this:

class EVENT : public TObject
    // ...
    UInt_t var_length;  // length of the array var.
    Short_t *var;       // pointer to the array.
    // ...

Sure, this is incorrect. What is correct and elegant method to do such thing?

I have tryed to change member function Streamer, but it looked like ROOT
did not use my Streamer function.

Thanks in advance,
Alexander Zvyagin.

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