TClonesArray of self defined classes

From: Robert Loke (
Date: Wed Mar 04 1998 - 10:50:57 MET

Using root 1.03/09 on a SGI macine running IRIX 6.2, I've got a
problem in declaring a TClonesArray of a self defined class:

Neglecting ClassDef and ClassImp on their correct positions, these
classes are invalid for root applications and it's impossible to
create a TClonesArray of them (why?).

Defining ClassDef and ClassImp in the class definition and
and using rootcint to create the dictionary, I receive an error
message like:
       /products/cernroot/pro/sgi_62/gcc/root/bin/rootcint -f Dictionary.C -c -I/products/cernroot/pro/sgi_62/gcc/root/include -I. -I./include/arte -I./include/auto -DUSE_ROOT -p -t \
                        RecoTower.hh RecoCluster.hh RecoEvent.hh LinkDef.h
Note: operator new() masked 1c
Warning: Link requested for undefined class RecoEvent  FILE: LINE:0
Warning: Link requested for undefined class RecoTower  FILE: LINE:0
Warning: Link requested for undefined class RecoCluster  FILE: LINE:0

Afterwards the program Compilation ends up with unresolved symbols
like :
and so on

What can I do to overcome this problem?

Thanks, Robert

+     Robert Loke                                         +
+     Humboldt University Berlin                          +
+     Invalidenstr. 110                                   +
+     10115 Berlin                                        +
+     Germany                                             +
+                                                         +
+     e-mail :                                + 

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