Re: TString question

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Fri May 29 1998 - 18:45:47 MEST

Nick van Eijndhoven wrote:
> Dear ROOTers,
> I have a class derived from TObject and with ClassDef() and
> ClassImp() to have the automatic ROOT I/O generated.
> However, in the private area of that class I need to store
> a char* data member.
> This gives problems in the automatic streamer generation, so
> I replaced the char* by TString* and in some member function
> I initialise via
>  s=new TString("test");
> However, when compiling my class it turns out that there is
> in the dictionary NO 'binary >>' defined which can handle a
> TString* object on the right hand side.
> This results in a compilation error (using msvc++ on win95
> with ROOT 2.00/07) and so I can't create my DLL.
> So I guess replacing TString* by TString in the private area
> in my class will do the job.
> Now my question is : Does there exist some TString member function
> with which I can put some chararcter string into the object ?
> (i.e. the reverse of TString::Data())
> What I need is :
> private : // the private area of my class
>  TString s;
> and then in the code of my member function :
>  s.Enter("test"); // To enter the string "test" into s
> So far I could not find such a funtionality in the docs, so
> as usual any good advice is very welcome.

You should use
  TString test;
as a recommended alternative to
  char *test;

You set a TString simply with test = "Nick"

There are plenty of examples with TString in Root itself.
Have a look at TNamed.

We also have a test example with all possible combinations to use
TString in $ROOTSYS/test/tstring.cxx

Rene Brun

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