Re: Using TEventList

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Mon Jun 01 1998 - 10:44:13 MEST

Scott Sampson wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having trouble using TEventList. I try the following on a TTree h1:
> TCut acut "Pt>25";
> TEventList *nlist = (TEventList *)h1->Select(acut);
> nlist->Print();
> Error: illegal pointer to class object nlist 0x0 258 . . .
> could you give an example of how to get an EventList from a Tree? In the
> end I want to print out some variables (e.g. run number) for the events
> which pass the cut TCut. Thanks,

The TTree::Select function is currently dummy. Sorry, I should have put
a warning message inside. I will try to code it for the coming release.
Meanwhile you can use the TEventList class directly:
  - Create a TEventList object
  - Loop yourself on the entries of the Tree.
  - For each entry satisfying your cut, add the entry in the eventlist.
  - Save the list on a file (eventlist->Write();)

In an another session, you can loop on the entries in the event list
and invoke TTRee::GetEvent for the corresponding entries.
I hope to have all this sequence becoming automatic.

Rene Brun

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