Re: How to split object to diff. files ?

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Thu Jun 25 1998 - 22:39:54 MEST

In order to make a meaningful comment, I would like to know
a bit more about your data model;
 - How many tracks do you expect per event
 - How many hits per track
 - How many hits in total

You can redirect a branch to a separate file via

My preference would be for a track class like
  class Track : public TObject {
    TArrayS  fListOfHits;  //array of indices in the hits TClonesArray
    Float_t  fChi2; etc

Having pointers to the TClonesArray will not work if you split
to a different file or branch.
Space for a pointer will typically be 4 times the space
for an index.
The index will be highly compressed.
You can always make an operator [i] hiding the index
and pointing directly to the TClonesArray.

I would put the list of Tracks in either a TList
or better in a TObjArray.

Rene Brun

On Fri, 26 Jun 1998, Nikolay I. Root wrote:

>       Dear ROOT team.
> First at all - thank you for help on my previous mail.
> I have Q's about splitting complicated objects to different branches.
> Let me consider the example :
> 'track is a collection of hits' ==>
> class Track : public TList { /* summary info */ }
> All "hits" are contained in one TClonesArray and
> "list part of track" - just a pointers to individual hits.
> Also 'track' has 'summary info' as data fields
> Q1: how to split :
> 'hits'               --> file1  (trivial)
> 'list part of track' --> file2  ????
> 'summary info'       --> file3  ?
> The second question - 'how to use tape archive ?'
> We have a some simple implementation of tape archive (perl scripts +
> mSQL DB) and Q. about 'interfacing' root and existing software.
> How to ask 'gSystem' to notify me about 'un-existing file' exceptions ?
> Are there other tips that I need to know ?
> Or other simple solution (or examples !) exists ???
> What is the 'best way' in that case ?
> Thanks in advance!
>                                Nikolay Root
>                                BINP, Novosibirsk
>                                email :

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