(no subject)

From: S.J.M. Peeters (Simon.Peeters@cern.ch)
Date: Wed Aug 05 1998 - 15:32:37 MEST

Hi ROOTers,

The code at the bottom of the file produces the following error:

Error in <TFile::TFile>: file  does not exist

 *** Break *** bus error

( 0)  0xc1821f00   StackTrace__11TUnixSystemFv + 0x28
( 1)  0xc1820938   DispatchSignals__11TUnixSystemF8ESignals + 0xd0
( 2)  0xc181f420   SigHandler__F8ESignals + 0x30
( 3)  0xc1823780   sighandler__Fi + 0x68
( 4)  0xc012f2e0   _sigreturn  [/usr/lib/libc.1]
( 5)  0xc1864994   _sigreturn + 0x3e995
( 6)  0xc1867ee4   GetBasket__7TBranchFi + 0x134
( 7)  0xc18679bc   Fill__7TBranchFv + 0x54
( 8)  0xc186b714   Fill__13TBranchObjectFv + 0xb4
( 9)  0xc18dae1c   Fill__5TTreeFv + 0x8c

I suspected it had something to do with the inheretance from TOBject, so I
initailised TROOT in the main program where the class is called, but that
was not succesfull.. it didn't recognize the initialisation.

This is the program, the error occurs when the program goes through the 
track_list for the first time.

void RootWriter::store_tracks(const list<Track*> &track_list) {

   TROOT ROOTiPatRec("iPatRec","Track reconstruction from seeds");
   TFile *Bestand = new TFile("Tracks.root","RECREATE");
   TTree *Boom  = new TTree("Boom","Tracks with residuals");
   AlignmentTrack *FillTrack = 0;

   TStopwatch timer;

   list<Track*>::const_iterator itbTrackList;
   for ( itbTrackList  = track_list.begin() ;
	 itbTrackList != track_list.end()   ;
       ++itbTrackList                      ) {
      Int_t HitCounter = 0;      
      list<AlignmentHit> TempTrack;
      list<HitOnTrack*> MyList((*itbTrackList)->list_of_hits());
      vector<Double_t>  MyRes ((*itbTrackList)->residuals());
      vector<Double_t>::const_iterator itbResidual = MyRes.begin();
      list<HitOnTrack*>::iterator itbHitList;
      for ( itbHitList  = MyList.begin() ;
	    itbHitList != MyList.end()   ;
	  ++itbHitList                                       ) {
	 vector<Double_t> TempResidual;
	 if ( itbResidual != MyRes.end() ) {
	    if ( (*itbHitList)->status() == -21) {
	    } else {
	    } // if HitContainer[index].is_pixel()	    
	 } else {
	    cout << "Inconstistent datalength of hits and residuals!" <<
	 } // if itbResidual
	 AlignmentHit TempHit( (*itbHitList)->status(), TempResidual ,
			       (*itbHitList)->index () );
      } // for itbHitList
      FillTrack = new AlignmentTrack(TempTrack);
      delete FillTrack;
   } // for itbTrackList
   cout << "done" << endl;

   //  Stop timer and print results
   cout << "Real time: " << timer.RealTime() << endl;
   cout << "CPU  time: " << timer.CpuTime()  << endl;
   //cout << "File size: " <<  << endl;

Thanks in advance,

Simon Peeters.

    NIKHEF, National Institute for Nuclear and High Energy Physics
    Kruislaan 409, office H-044 Tel:(+31-20-592) 5140
    P.O. Box 41882, 1009 DB Amsterdam (NL) Fax:(+31-20-592) 5155
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