strange macro behaviour

From: T Auger (
Date: Tue Sep 15 1998 - 18:48:16 MEST

Hi Rooters,
we observed a strange behaviour in one of our macro using CLHEP. The
macro processed once failed at the byte-compilation and gave a break
seg fault. Then just hiting return made it work! Could someone give me
a hint on what we are doing wrong or is this a bug?
(the macro follows the prints).

root [0] .x phi.C
Error: non class,struct,union object $proton_out used with . or -> 
FILE:/home/crash17/marchand/root/macro/./phi.C LINE:83
alors 0
nmatch 2
nmatch 0
nmatch 0
nmatch 1
 proton 0.000000
nmatch 1
 proton 0.000000
nmatch 1
 proton 0.000000
nmatch 1
 proton 0.000000
nmatch 1
 proton 0.000000
nmatch 2
nmatch 0
nmatch 1
 proton 0.000000

 *** Break *** segmentation violation

alors 0
nmatch 2
nmatch 0
nmatch 0
nmatch 1
 proton 1.008929
nmatch 1
 proton 0.984921
nmatch 1
 proton 1.515583
nmatch 1
 proton 1.088752
nmatch 1
 proton 1.352676
nmatch 2
nmatch 0
nmatch 1
 proton 1.114028
nmatch 0
nmatch 1
 proton 1.449203
nmatch 1
 proton 1.760664
nmatch 0
nmatch 1
 proton 1.586831
nmatch 1
 proton 1.116349
nmatch 1
 proton 1.130289
nmatch 4
nmatch 1
 proton 1.148586
nmatch 0
nmatch 1
 proton 0.969677
nmatch 1
 proton 1.014140

// macro pour lire un tree et looper sur les particules chargees
// histogramme la masse apres notre pid.
TFile f("/home/crash17/marchand/root/macro/g6-opp.root");

   TTree *T = (TTree*)gDirectory->Get("T");
//Declaration of leaves types
   TClasEvent      *event;
   class HepLorentzVector;

TH1F histo1("histo1","mass",100,-0.5,1.5);
TH1F histo2("histo2","mass kaon m",150,-1.,1.5);

//Set branch addresses
   Int_t nentries = T->GetEntries();
   nentries = 1000000;
   TClonesArray *tab;
   Int_t nbytes = 0;
   TTrack *track;
   TTrack *tproton;
   TTrack *tkaonp;
   Int_t npro = 0;
   Int_t nkp = 0;
   Int_t indkp[10] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
   Int_t indpro[10] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
   Int_t iseckp[10] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
   Int_t isecpro[10] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};

   for (Int_t i=0; i<nentries;i++) {
     nbytes += T->GetEvent(i);

     tab = event->GetDetectedTracks();
     Float_t egamma = event->GetE();

    HepLorentzVector photon(0,0,egamma,egamma);
    HepLorentzVector proton_in(0,0,0,0.93827);
          npro = 0;
          nkp = 0;
        for(Int_t j=0;j<=tab->GetLast();j++) {
         track = (TTrack*)tab->At(j);

//       recuperer les protons et K+ en gardant leur index          
         if(track->Id()==2212) {
         indpro[npro] = j;
         isecpro[npro] = track->GetSectorId();
         if(track->Id()==321) {
         indkp[nkp] = j;
         iseckp[nkp] = track->GetSectorId();

//     printf("nproton %d nkaonp %d\n",npro,nkp);

     if(nkp*npro>=1) {

//       test sur secteurs opposes p-K+
         Int_t nmatch = 0;
         for(Int_t k=0;k<npro;k++) {
            for(Int_t l=0;l<nkp;l++) {
               if(fabs(isecpro[k]-iseckp[l])==3) {
                  Int_t indprs=indpro[k];
                  Int_t indkps=indkp[l];

         if(nmatch==1) printf("nmatch %d\n",nmatch);
             tproton = (TTrack*)tab->At(indprs);
//       printf("%f %f %f %f\n",tproton->Px(),tproton->Py(),tproton->Pz(),tproton->E_id());
             HepLorentzVector proton_out((Double_t)tproton->Px(),
             tkaonp = (TTrack*)tab->At(indkps);
//             printf(" proton %f\n",proton_out.e());
             HepLorentzVector kaonp(tkaonp->Px(),tkaonp->Py(),tkaonp->Pz(),tkaonp->E_id());

     if(i%5000 == 0) printf("alors %d\n",i);


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