Re: is it memory leak?

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Sat Oct 03 1998 - 11:28:48 MEST

Valeriy Onuchin wrote:
> Hello Rooters!
>  When I create TH1 histo with the same name as
> some exisiting hist , it prints
>      Warning("Build","Replacing existing histogram: %s",GetName());
>      gDirectory->GetList()->Remove(hold);
> that just remove "hold"  from dir but doesn't delete "hold"
> ( as it was in previous versions).  Why ???

This was requested recently in a roottalk mail. In principle,
one could imagine the following options:
 1- Warning printed, Remove but not Delete (new default)
 2- Warning printed, Remove AND Delete (old default)
 3- ERROR: No Remove or Delete
 4- No Warning printed. Remove but not Delete
 5- No Warning printed. Remove AND Delete

I welcome comments.

Rene Brun

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