TH2 scater plot

From: Tadeusz Pytlos (
Date: Wed Oct 07 1998 - 14:27:20 MEST

Dear Rooters,
I seems to be silly, but I cannot understand how the points
are drawing by TH2F. I've a lot of integer numbers (points)
to draw, so TH2 seems to be the only way.
In TH1F it works well

root [0] TH1F *h1=new TH1F("h1","h1",5,-0.5,4.5)
root [1] h1.Fill(0)                             
root [2] h1.SetMarkerStyle(8)
root [3] h1.Draw()
Warning in <MakeDefCanvas>: creating a default canvas with name c1
root [4] h1.Draw("P")  
root [6] c1.SetGrid()
root [7] h1.Draw("P")

but in TH2F
root [0] TH2F *h2=new TH2F("h2","h2",5,-0.5,4.5,5,-0.5,4.5)
root [1] h2.SetMarkerStyle(8)
root [2] h2.Fill(0,2)
root [3] h2.Draw()
Warning in <MakeDefCanvas>: creating a default canvas with name c1
root [4] h2.Fill(2,2)
root [5] h2.Draw()   
root [6] c1.SetGrid()
root [7] h2.Draw()   

I cannot find any possibility to receive the right position
of points. TH2S cannot help as well (is any reason for its
Thanks for your time,

Tadeusz Pytlos 
Lodz, Poland                                                 

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