Ntuple disconnects

From: William Love (love@bnl.gov)
Date: Thu Jan 21 1999 - 23:47:59 MET


   This problem is intermittent and non reproducible but I have to 
 ask.  Has anyone while using NTuples in root had the problem 
 that at some point the connection to the data seems to break?
 One Draw command works correctly, the next comes up empty
 and all subsequent attempts are empty (1d draws have arb. scale
 0 to 600 on x axis, -1 to 1 on y axis and zero contents, 2d draws
 make a blank canvas).  It happens to me maybe 3 or 4 times a
 day of continuous ntuple work.  Valery captured a whole command
 sequence from my history file and we reran it with no failure.
   Only solution so far is to .q, root, TFile and proceed - a bit

                                    Bill Love

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