writing branches to different files

From: helmut (helmut@charm.ep1.ruhr-uni-bochum.de)
Date: Thu Jan 28 1999 - 18:47:10 MET

Hi Rooters,	

in how far is it implemented in TBranch to use the SetFile method for 
TBranchClones and TBrachObjects. The SetFile method works fine for simple 
Branches of an automaticely splitted TTree. For example:	
MainEvent.cxx in $ROOTSYS/test
	tree->Branch("event", "Event", &event, bufsize,split); (split==1 !)
	TBranch* tmpBr=tree->GetBranch("fTracks.fMass2"); 
But if we try to split the tree to different files manually, e.g.		


//   tree->Branch("event", "Event", &event, bufsize,split);

void* address=event->GetTracks();
TBranch* tmpB=tree->Branch("ggtracks", &address, bufsize, split);
void* address1=&(event->fNtrack);
tmpB=tree->Branch("members", address1,"ugu/I:aga/I:peng/I", bufsize);
void* address2=event->GetHeader();  // (EventHeader inherits from TObject)
tmpB=tree->Branch("header","EventHeader", &address2, bufsize, split);

, we encountered the problem that none of the files are created. The branches 
are all written to the event.root file. 
Does the SetFile method not work for the TBranchClones and TBranchObjects, but 
just for simple Branches ? 


	Helmut and Bergi

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