Re: root on VMS

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Sun Mar 21 1999 - 18:07:49 MET

Anton Fokin wrote:
> Hi,
> I've found a few mails in the roottalk discussing root availability for
> (ALPHA) VMS. Could you tell me if there was any progress (and hope) to get
> it working?

Hi Anton,
The port of ROOT to VMS was initiated by Kris Hagel one year ago.
In the Root release notes, I wrote:
// 12/05/1998  16.54.18  by   Kaori Wada and Kris Hagel
//              Cyclotron Institute, Texas A & M University
- Kaori has ported ROOT and CINT under VMS including full graphics.
  This version is included in the distribution, but a more intensive
  is necessary before announcing this release.
  Porting on VMS has required changes in:
    - installation procedures ([.] instead of /) in diretory/file names
    - Implementation of the new class TVmsSystem.
    - mods in functions attach, Getline, keys and mvalloc.
    - mods in Rconfig
    - several changes in CINT
        - $FPROTO and $G__CI
        - functions macro, method and shl
   Many thanks to Kaori for this hard work. Kaori has been able to
   make the relevant changes with a minimum guidance from the Root team.
   Many thanks to Kris for his couragous initiative.

I do not know if the latest version (2.21) has been tested on VMS.
We do not have VMS systems to test ourselves.
Kris is attending the Root workshop at FNAL. I am sure that he will
post an update.

> Also, what about root -> hbook conversion?

The conversion Hbook->Root has been implemented via h2root.
This conversion is always possible, Hbook being a subset of the Root
histogramming/Ntuple facilities. The naming convention was easily solved
by naming the Root histograms with hID (ID=hbook identifier) when ID >0
and h_ID when ID < 0.
To implement the inverse conversion, one must first a numbering
Assuming that this is solved, one can only convert what is convertible.

We do not intend to spend time in this area. For a given application,
for example, if you have only histograms, you can choose a numbering
for Hbook IDs and use the numerous Root TH1 access functions.
The code of h2root may help you somehow.

Rene Brun

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