MakeClass ( 2 )

From: Jacek M. Holeczek (
Date: Thu Apr 15 1999 - 09:51:03 MEST

I modified my macro a little bit ( modified macro attached ).
Now I not only can :
	x = leaf();
but also :
	leaf() = x;
if I want to modify the value of the current event ( I removed also
functions "leaf(x)" which were used for this purpose ). This changes only
the ntuple.hpp file ( also attached ), the rest of files should look like
these in my previous mail.
"Not a bad trick, Doc!"


Int_t MakeClass(TTree *t, const char *classname = 0)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*Generate skeleton analysis class for this Tree*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-*          ==============================================
//   The following files are produced: classname.hpp and classname.cxx
//   if classname is NULL, classname will be nameoftree.
//   The generated code in classname.hpp includes the following:
//      - Identification of the original Tree and Input file name
//      - Definition of analysis class (data and functions)
//      - the following class functions:
//         -constructor (connecting by default the Tree file)
//         -GetEvent(Int_t event)
//         -Init(TTree *tree) to initialize a new TTree
//         -Show(Int_t event) to read and Dump event
//   The generated code in classname.cxx includes only the main
//   analysis function Loop.
//   To use this function:
//      - connect your Tree file (eg: TFile f("myfile.root");)
//      - T->MakeClass("MyClass");
//    where T is the name of the Tree in file myfile.root
//    and MyClass.hpp, MyClass.cxx the name of the files created by this function.
//   In a Root session, you can do:
//      Root > .L MyClass.cxx
//      Root > MyClass t
//      Root > t.GetEvent(12); // Fill t data members with event number 12
//      Root > t.Show();       // Show values of event 12
//      Root > t.Show(16);     // Read and show values of event 16
//      Root > t.Loop();       // Loop on all events

// Check against an invalid Tree pointer
   if (!t) return 1;
   if (!t->IsA()->InheritsFrom("TTree")) {
      printf("Attempt to MakeClass for a non-TTree object\n");
      return 2;

// Connect output files
   char *thead = new char[256];

   if (!classname) classname = t->GetName();
   FILE *fp = fopen(thead,"w");
   if (!fp) {
      printf("Cannot open output file:%s\n",thead);
      delete [] thead;
      return 3;
   char *tcimp = new char[256];
   FILE *fpc = fopen(tcimp,"w");
   if (!fpc) {
      printf("Cannot open output file:%s\n",tcimp);
      delete [] thead;
      delete [] tcimp;
      return 3;
   char *treefile = new char[1000];
   if (t->GetDirectory() && t->GetDirectory()->GetFile())
   else         strcpy(treefile,"Memory Directory");

//======================Generate classname.hpp=====================
   // Print header
   TObjArray *leaves = t->GetListOfLeaves();
   Int_t nleaves = leaves->GetEntriesFast();
   TDatime td;
   fprintf(fp,"//   This class has been automatically generated \n");
   fprintf(fp,"//     (%s by ROOT version%s)\n",td.AsString(),gROOT->GetVersion());
   fprintf(fp,"//   from TTree %s/%s\n",t->GetName(),t->GetTitle());
   fprintf(fp,"//   found on file: %s\n",treefile);
   fprintf(fp,"#ifndef %s_hpp\n",classname);
   fprintf(fp,"#define %s_hpp\n",classname);
   fprintf(fp,"#ifndef __CINT__\n");
   fprintf(fp,"#include \"TROOT.h\"\n");
   fprintf(fp,"#include \"TBranch.h\"\n");
   fprintf(fp,"#include \"TTree.h\"\n");
   fprintf(fp,"#include \"TFile.h\"\n");
   fprintf(fp,"class TBranch;\n");
   fprintf(fp,"class TTree;\n");
   fprintf(fp,"class TFile;\n");
   fprintf(fp,"class %s {\n",classname);
   fprintf(fp,"   public :\n");
   fprintf(fp,"   TTree          *fTree; //pointer to the analyzed TTree\n");
   fprintf(fp,"   Int_t          fEvent; //current Event number\n");

// First loop on all branches to generate branch declarations
   fprintf(fp,"//Declaration of branches\n");
   Int_t nb, i;
   nb = t->GetListOfBranches().GetEntriesFast();
   for (i=0;i<nb;i++)  {
      branch = (TBranch*)t->GetListOfBranches().UncheckedAt(i);
      fprintf(fp,"%s%-15s branch_%s;\n","   ","Int_t", branch->GetName());
      fprintf(fp,"%s%-15s *branch_pointer_%s;\n","   ","TBranch", branch->GetName());

// First loop on all leaves to generate leaf declarations
   fprintf(fp,"//Declaration of leaves\n");
   Int_t len, l;
   TLeaf *leafcount;
   TLeafObject *leafobj;
   char *bname;
   const char *headOK  = "   ";
   const char *headcom = " //";
   const char *head;
   char branchname[64];
   for (l=0;l<nleaves;l++) {
      TLeaf *leaf = (TLeaf*)leaves->UncheckedAt(l);
      len = leaf->GetLen();
      leafcount =leaf->GetLeafCount();
      TBranch *branch = leaf->GetBranch();
      if (leafcount) strcpy(branchname,branch->GetName());
      else           strcpy(branchname,leaf->GetTitle());
      char *twodim = (char*)strstr(leaf->GetTitle(),"][");
      bname = branchname;
      while (*bname) {if (*bname == '.') *bname='_'; bname++;}
      if (branch->IsA() == TBranchObject::Class()) {
         if (branch->GetListOfBranches()->GetEntriesFast()) continue;
         leafobj = (TLeafObject*)leaf;
         if (leafobj->GetClass()) head = headOK;
         else                     head = headcom;
         fprintf(fp,"%s%-15s *%s;\n",head,leafobj->GetTypeName(), leafobj->GetName());
      if (leafcount) {
         len = leafcount->GetMaximum();
         if (twodim) {
            fprintf(fp,"   %-15s %s[%d]%s;\n",leaf->GetTypeName(), branchname,len,(char*)(twodim+1));
         } else {
            fprintf(fp,"   %-15s %s[%d];\n",leaf->GetTypeName(), branchname,len);
      } else {
         fprintf(fp,"   %-15s leaf_%s;\n",leaf->GetTypeName(), branchname);
         fprintf(fp,"   %-15s &%s(void) {",leaf->GetTypeName(), branchname);
         fprintf(fp,"if (branch_%s) return leaf_%s;",branch->GetName(), branchname);
         fprintf(fp,"branch_%s = 1; return leaf_%s;}\n",branch->GetName(), branchname);
         // fprintf(fp,"   %-15s %s(%s value) {return leaf_%s = value;}\n",leaf->GetTypeName(), branchname, leaf->GetTypeName(), branchname);

// generate class member functions prototypes
   fprintf(fp,"   %s(TTree *tree = 0);\n",classname);
   fprintf(fp,"   ~%s() {;}\n",classname);
   fprintf(fp,"   Int_t GetEvent(Int_t event);\n");
   fprintf(fp,"   void Init(TTree *tree);\n");
   fprintf(fp,"   void Loop();\n");
   fprintf(fp,"   void Show(Int_t event = -1);\n");

   fprintf(fp,"#ifdef %s_cxx\n",classname);

// generate code for class constructor
   fprintf(fp,"%s::%s(TTree *tree)\n",classname,classname);
   fprintf(fp,"// if parameter tree is not specified (or zero), connect the file\n");
   fprintf(fp,"// used to generate this class and read the Tree.\n");
   fprintf(fp,"   if (tree == 0) {\n");
   fprintf(fp,"      TFile *f = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject(\"%s\");\n",treefile);
   fprintf(fp,"      if (!f) {\n");
   fprintf(fp,"         f = new TFile(\"%s\");\n",treefile);
   fprintf(fp,"      }\n");
   fprintf(fp,"      tree = (TTree*)gDirectory->Get(\"%s\");\n\n",t->GetName());
   fprintf(fp,"   }\n");
   fprintf(fp,"   Init(tree);\n");

// generate code for class member function GetEvent()
   fprintf(fp,"Int_t %s::GetEvent(Int_t event)\n",classname);
   fprintf(fp,"// Read specified event from the Tree into data members\n");
   fprintf(fp,"   if (!fTree) return 0;\n");
   fprintf(fp,"   // if (fEvent==event) return 1;\n");
   nb = t->GetListOfBranches().GetEntriesFast();
   for (i=0;i<nb;i++)  {
      branch = (TBranch*)t->GetListOfBranches().UncheckedAt(i);
      fprintf(fp,"   branch_%s = 0;\n",branch->GetName());
   fprintf(fp,"   fEvent = event;\n");
   fprintf(fp,"   return 1;\n");

// generate code for class member function Init()
   fprintf(fp,"void %s::Init(TTree *tree)\n",classname);
   fprintf(fp,"//   Set branch addresses\n");
   fprintf(fp,"   if (tree == 0) return;\n");
   fprintf(fp,"   fTree = tree;\n");
   for (l=0;l<nleaves;l++) {
      TLeaf *leaf = (TLeaf*)leaves->UncheckedAt(l);
      len = leaf->GetLen();
      leafcount =leaf->GetLeafCount();
      TBranch *branch = leaf->GetBranch();
      if (leafcount) strcpy(branchname,branch->GetName());
      else           strcpy(branchname,leaf->GetTitle());
      bname = branchname;
      while (*bname) {if (*bname == '.') *bname='_'; bname++;}
      char *brak = strstr(branchname,"[");
      if (brak) *brak = 0;
      head = headOK;
      if (branch->IsA() == TBranchObject::Class()) {
         if (branch->GetListOfBranches()->GetEntriesFast()) continue;
         leafobj = (TLeafObject*)leaf;
         if (!leafobj->GetClass()) head = headcom;
      if (leafcount) len = leafcount->GetMaximum()+1;
      if (len > 1) fprintf(fp,"   %sfTree->SetBranchAddress(\"%s\",%s);\n",head,branch->GetName(),branchname);
      else         fprintf(fp,"   %sfTree->SetBranchAddress(\"%s\",&leaf_%s);\n",head,branch->GetName(),branchname);
   fprintf(fp,"   fTree->SetBranchStatus(\"*\",0);  // disable all branches\n");
   nb = t->GetListOfBranches().GetEntriesFast();
   for (i=0;i<nb;i++)  {
      branch = (TBranch*)t->GetListOfBranches().UncheckedAt(i);
      fprintf(fp,"   branch_%s = 0;\n",branch->GetName());
      fprintf(fp,"   branch_pointer_%s = fTree->GetBranch(\"%s\");\n",branch->GetName(),branch->GetName());
   fprintf(fp,"   fEvent = -1;\n");

// generate code for class member function Show()
   fprintf(fp,"void %s::Show(Int_t event)\n",classname);
   fprintf(fp,"// Print contents of event.\n");
   fprintf(fp,"// If event is not specified, print current event\n");

   fprintf(fp,"   if (!fTree) return;\n");
   fprintf(fp,"   if (event>=0) fEvent = event;\n");
   fprintf(fp,"   else event = fEvent;\n");
   fprintf(fp,"   if (fEvent<0) return;\n");
   fprintf(fp,"   fTree->SetBranchStatus(\"*\",1);  // enable all branches\n");
   fprintf(fp,"   fTree->Show(fEvent);\n");
   fprintf(fp,"   fTree->SetBranchStatus(\"*\",0);  // disable all branches\n");
   nb = t->GetListOfBranches().GetEntriesFast();
   for (i=0;i<nb;i++)  {
      branch = (TBranch*)t->GetListOfBranches().UncheckedAt(i);
      fprintf(fp,"   branch_%s = 1;\n",branch->GetName());


//======================Generate classname.cxx=====================
// generate code for class member function Loop()
   fprintf(fpc,"#ifndef %s_cxx\n",classname);
   fprintf(fpc,"#define %s_cxx\n",classname);
   fprintf(fpc,"#include \"%s\"\n",thead);
   fprintf(fpc,"#ifndef __CINT__\n");
   fprintf(fpc,"// Place here all ROOT related includes that you need\n");
   fprintf(fpc,"void %s::Loop()\n",classname);
   fprintf(fpc,"\n//     This is the loop skeleton\n");
   fprintf(fpc,"   if (fTree == 0) return;\n");
   fprintf(fpc,"\n   Stat_t nentries = fTree->GetEntries();\n");
   fprintf(fpc,"\n   Int_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0;\n");
   fprintf(fpc,"     for (Int_t i=0; i<nentries;i++) {\n");
   fprintf(fpc,"        nb = fTree->GetEvent(i);   nbytes += nb;\n");
   fprintf(fpc,"     }\n");

   printf("Files: %s and %s generated from Tree: %s\n",thead,tcimp,t->GetName());
   delete [] thead;
   delete [] tcimp;
   delete [] treefile;

   return 0;


//   This class has been automatically generated 
//     (Thu Apr 15 09:38:02 1999 by ROOT version 2.21/08)
//   from TTree ntuple/Demo ntuple
//   found on file: hsimple.root

#ifndef ntuple_hpp
#define ntuple_hpp

#ifndef __CINT__
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TBranch.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TFile.h"
class TBranch;
class TTree;
class TFile;

class ntuple {
   public :
   TTree          *fTree; //pointer to the analyzed TTree
   Int_t          fEvent; //current Event number
//Declaration of branches
   Int_t           branch_px;
   TBranch         *branch_pointer_px;
   Int_t           branch_py;
   TBranch         *branch_pointer_py;
   Int_t           branch_pz;
   TBranch         *branch_pointer_pz;
   Int_t           branch_random;
   TBranch         *branch_pointer_random;
   Int_t           branch_i;
   TBranch         *branch_pointer_i;
//Declaration of leaves
   Float_t         leaf_px;
   Float_t         &px(void) {if (branch_px) return leaf_px;branch_pointer_px->GetEvent(fEvent);branch_px = 1; return leaf_px;}
   Float_t         leaf_py;
   Float_t         &py(void) {if (branch_py) return leaf_py;branch_pointer_py->GetEvent(fEvent);branch_py = 1; return leaf_py;}
   Float_t         leaf_pz;
   Float_t         &pz(void) {if (branch_pz) return leaf_pz;branch_pointer_pz->GetEvent(fEvent);branch_pz = 1; return leaf_pz;}
   Float_t         leaf_random;
   Float_t         &random(void) {if (branch_random) return leaf_random;branch_pointer_random->GetEvent(fEvent);branch_random = 1; return leaf_random;}
   Float_t         leaf_i;
   Float_t         &i(void) {if (branch_i) return leaf_i;branch_pointer_i->GetEvent(fEvent);branch_i = 1; return leaf_i;}

   ntuple(TTree *tree = 0);
   ~ntuple() {;}
   Int_t GetEvent(Int_t event);
   void Init(TTree *tree);
   void Loop();
   void Show(Int_t event = -1);


#ifdef ntuple_cxx

ntuple::ntuple(TTree *tree)
// if parameter tree is not specified (or zero), connect the file
// used to generate this class and read the Tree.
   if (tree == 0) {
      TFile *f = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject("hsimple.root");
      if (!f) {
         f = new TFile("hsimple.root");
      tree = (TTree*)gDirectory->Get("ntuple");


Int_t ntuple::GetEvent(Int_t event)
// Read specified event from the Tree into data members
   if (!fTree) return 0;
   // if (fEvent==event) return 1;
   branch_px = 0;
   branch_py = 0;
   branch_pz = 0;
   branch_random = 0;
   branch_i = 0;
   fEvent = event;
   return 1;

void ntuple::Init(TTree *tree)
//   Set branch addresses
   if (tree == 0) return;
   fTree = tree;
   fTree->SetBranchStatus("*",0);  // disable all branches
   branch_px = 0;
   branch_pointer_px = fTree->GetBranch("px");
   branch_py = 0;
   branch_pointer_py = fTree->GetBranch("py");
   branch_pz = 0;
   branch_pointer_pz = fTree->GetBranch("pz");
   branch_random = 0;
   branch_pointer_random = fTree->GetBranch("random");
   branch_i = 0;
   branch_pointer_i = fTree->GetBranch("i");
   fEvent = -1;

void ntuple::Show(Int_t event)
// Print contents of event.
// If event is not specified, print current event
   if (!fTree) return;
   if (event>=0) fEvent = event;
   else event = fEvent;
   if (fEvent<0) return;
   fTree->SetBranchStatus("*",1);  // enable all branches
   fTree->SetBranchStatus("*",0);  // disable all branches
   branch_px = 1;
   branch_py = 1;
   branch_pz = 1;
   branch_random = 1;
   branch_i = 1;


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