File size and Clone Tree

From: Olivier Meplan (
Date: Mon Apr 19 1999 - 18:46:10 MEST

Hi Rooters...
Again questions about file size...

I write a tree (1 sigle branch of object Event). These Event objects are
made of a list of integers and one double_t corresponding to an absolute
time. Then I want to transform this absolute time in relative one and
make a new file containing a new tree: this tree is exactly a clone of
the previous one execpt that the time T of each event has been modified
to T'=T-T0;
If I comment the line doing the time modification (via a member function
of Event), the 2 files have the same size whereas if the time
modification is done this is note the case (for exemple, the size of the
initial file is 177 kb while the final file has a size of 185 kb)...
Why and what can I do ?
Thank you for your answer,
O. Meplan

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