Re: source code reference points

From: Volker Hejny (
Date: Thu Jul 22 1999 - 08:51:14 MEST

On Mon, Jul 19, 1999 at 05:19:34PM -0700, Matthew D. Langston wrote:
> A remote CVS repository of the ROOT sources with anonymous checkout
> would solve all of these problems.  Sites, and even groups within sites,
> could then standardize on whatever version of the ROOT sources which
> they needed.  For example, one group at SLAC is currently stuck on ROOT
> 2.22.04 due to some incompatibilities with later versions of ROOT, but
> other groups at SLAC are using later versions of ROOT.  If the ROOT
> maintainer for SLAC needed to recompile an older version of ROOT (which,
> in fact, we have), it would be very difficult to do so since he doesn't
> have convenient access to specific versions of the ROOT sources.

I've started working with ROOT only a few weeks ago, but even from
this side of view I can only agree. A remote CVS repository would
solve a lot the mentioned problems. But IIRC the source code management
of ROOT is done in CMZ so far, isn't it? 

Best regards,

Volker Hejny                    Tel: 02461/616853                      ** 
Institut f. Kernphysik          Fax: 02461/613930                     **
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