segmentation violation in repeatedly read histogram on Canvas

From: Yongzhao Zhou (
Date: Mon Sep 06 1999 - 16:33:45 MEST

I have a program to repeatedly read histogram on canvas in an unlimit loop
using the functions
    if (gROOT->IsInterrupted()){
      OT->getGraphicManagerPtr()->draw(G_TIME_PAD, "Please wait for
                                a moment, the button menu will be on");
to interrupt the loop. My program works ok and can be interrupted
normally.  But it will be crashed with system message "*** Break ***
segmentation violation" if you push the left button of mouse and drag the
cross-arrow (cross-anchor) cursor (normally that performance is moving a
picture on canvas). The reason could be the system can not response
rapidly the mouse event in such a short time I think. Is there any method
to prevent from crash? That means there is a function which just responses
to interrupt the unlimit loop and does not response the pushed and dragged
left button of mouse. And is it true that I have to write the virtual
function of Tcanvas::HandleInput or other similar function? 

Yongzhao Zhou, KLOE, LNF, INFN, Italy
Tel:39-06-94032696 Fax:39-06-94032427

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