Re: TPad::Update (was: Object lifetime/scope connected to TFile)

From: Marco van Leeuwen (
Date: Thu Sep 09 1999 - 10:52:40 MEST


Thanks everyone for your reactions! However I still think that one vital
point has not yet been answered, so please be patient, while I try to
rephrase my point.

1) I understand that it is convenient that the user/programmer determines
when a pad is repainted. As far as I understand (i.e. from reading the
documentation), the method: TPad::Update() exists for this purpose. In this
way you can first Draw your objects and have them painted on screen in one
single go.

2) In writing code, I take care to Update the canvas every time before the
user has a look at it. It turns out however, that in order to have the
canvas really repainted, I also have to do a TCanvas::Modified(). Formerly
I solved this problem by simply calling TH1F::Draw again, but this is quite
a pain when you have a couple of objects in your pad.

The point here is not that the programmer has to call TCanvas::Update(),
but that in order to have the (expected) effect, this call should always be
preceded by a call to TCanvas::Modified(). Moreover, this is not clearly
mentioned in the documentation.

One more question:

Is it possible to use universal coordinates in a pad containing a
histogram? After drawing a histogram, the range of the pad is set to the
histogram range. This is convenient for drawing axis labels etc. but I
would like to be able to reset the pad range to (0,0)-(1,1) (just as using
the PAW-macro push/pop). I didn't find anything like it in the HOWTO's.

Thanks again,

Marco van Leeuwen.

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